Monday, April 15, 2024


 The essential reason for studying Reincarnation is that the term stands for a basic and primary  [although little-known] fact of life!  And... it is also an Absolute Reality that determines all facets of one's life.  In other words, it is not a speculative matter, as many intellectuals "think" it is, but being confined to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking, intellectuals must be forgiven for their mistaken opinions regarding the REALITY of life.

It takes a psychologically "healthy" person to accept that his or her brain is simply incapable of perceiving [experiencing] the energies of the Soul, the MIND, and the Spiritual dimensions of the Whole Human Being [WHB].  This means that if you are guided in your life by the teachings of Intellectualism, you will always be in the dark regarding your MIND, your faculty of Intuition, and both your Soul and the Spiritual Realm [which is the Energy of God invisibly resonating "Within" every person in Creation].  Using simple math... this means that most people in the West think about the physical one-fourth of the WHB, and deny and ignore three-fourths of the WHB.  Remember this sketch:

This sketch shows the Whole Human Being. And what most people in the West believe Man to be is #1, the physical body and brain. This means that three-quarters of the Whole of Man are ignored. #2 is the Lower MIND, #3 is the Higher MIND, and #4 is the Spiritual realm, which includes the Soul.

A very good book for research into all of this is "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson, and it is available in most libraries.  There are also numerous other books on Mysticism.

Now we have that stated, the practical reason for knowing what the term Reincarnation means is that treating this fact as a fact leads one to the next step, which is the Law of Karma, and how it works. The Law of Karma was Created by God and it applies absolutely to all life in the Creation.  Put simply, the Law of Karma is explained like this:  AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP.   That is, every action you take in life WILL COME BACK TO YOU... IF NOT IN THIS LIFE, THEN IN SOME LATER LIFE.  And this is an absolute reality that applies to every Soul of every living thing in Creation.

When a Soul is born [regardless what species or form it is in],  the fate of that Soul is already laid out for its entire lifetime, and thus... what that Soul experiences... regardless of what species of life that Soul is experiencing [ there are various levels of life, from single cells, to vegetables, to fish, birds, animals, and finally Man] . What happens to that Soul is determined by its past Karma, and is part of its Fate Karma for its present lifetime.  The only way to prove what I have just said is to spend a substantial amount of time studying Eastern Mysticism and meditation.  And of course actually practicing meditation with the purpose of raising your level of Consciousness to where you begin to Intuit various levels of understanding of the otherwise  invisible dimensions of existence.

It is difficult to explain what actually happens as a consequence of engaging in meditation, but in essence, what happens is that one's faculty of "Intuition" begins to awaken to the subtle planes of energy of the Astral, Causal, or Spiritual realms, and what one awakens to is a form of Knowledge that is beyond the brain to comprehend.  Oddly, what one awakens to from "Within" oneself cannot be directly conveyed to another person.  Although two people who Intuitively know something... can agree on knowing that particular bit of Truth simply by Intuitively recognizing it from "Within" each of them via their own faculty of Intuition... regardless what words are used in trying to convey that bit of Truth.

What each is experiencing is via his or her faculty of Intuition, and there are no words with which to identify that bit of Truth.

In my own case... I am a very slow learner... much of what I am sharing has come to me in recent months after spending 52 years practicing daily meditation.  So, the reader can believe me or not, it is entirely up to each reader.  I am simply sharing what I have come to understand after a very long time; in the best way I can verbally point to phenomena that is actually invisible to the brain.... and thus, there are no actual words that  can "convey" the experience of such "Mystical"  phenomena.  A person is either open to Intuiting what I am pointing toward, or one is unable to comprehend my allusion to what is otherwise invisible.

What level of Intuition do you possess?  Patience, faith, and effort will eventually lead to Knowledge. I might also add... it also helps if you are assisted in your efforts by a Spiritual Master who awakens your Soul.  The path "Within" the "Whole" of oneself is a "Mystical" undertaking and it requires the assistance of someone entirely familiar with the "process" But, here again, what I am suggesting is not for everyone.

For those not interested in awakening the Soul, or accumulating Knowledge of Truth, there is always the brain and  thinking... and  the MIND fairly easily denies what is invisible to the brain.  So, for the vast majority of people, what I have shared above has very little meaning.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...