Modern "psychology" began failing when it allowed B.F. Skinner, and a group of behavioral scientists to refer to themselves as "psychologists".
The concept and practice of "Behaviorism" is based on and limited to the study of physical phenomena while discounting and ignoring three of the simultaneously existing energy dimensions which make-up the Whole Human Being, or WHB. My sketch for the WHB is this:
In this sketch, the physical body is represented by #1. #2 and #3 represent the two parts of the MIND. And #4 represents the Spiritual dimension - realm - or Soul contained "Within" every living thing in the Creation. A carrot has a Soul is hard to believe.
A quote tells us what Skinner thought about Man:
In other words, what Skinner and the other behaviorists focused on was the observable phenomena that exists as part of the physical dimension of existence. They ignored three-quarters of the Whole of Man and confined themselves to what they could observe using their brains and thinking. Thinking about phenomena is perfectly "safe" for those confined to Intellectualism.
The term "Animism"?
This snippet from Wikipedia is a classic intellectual definition for that which an intellectual [confined to the brain and thinking] expresses as an actual explanation of what the term "Animism" refers to. That is, the intellectual does not perceive the huge absence of phenomena in his or her verbal expression. In other words, "words" cannot provide us the EXPERIENCE of what those words STAND FOR. What is missed is the existence of invisible phenomena... that can only be perceived by one's faculty of Intuition... which is a faculty of one's Soul. Not seeing that which words cannot convey is not part of the awareness of the person who lacks an actual "Experience" of normally invisible phenomena.
What would cause a human being to deny and ignore the MIND and Spiritual dimensions of the Whole Human Being? Well, it is the MIND of such a person that keeps him or her locked into the brain and thinking... and as long as one's "attention" is locked into the brain and thinking... one simply cannot "experience" the super subtle energy of the MIND [which is emotional energy].
In other words, no one can perceive the invisible phenomena that exists just beyond the range of what one's physical senses can perceive by use of the physical brain. To perceive the invisible aspects of oneself requires use of one's faculty of Intuition, which is a part of one's Soul and Consciousness.
Modern "psychology" is locked into the brain and thinking, and thus, it is running away from the rest of the human being just as fast as Intellectualism can move.
Peace, 1 Brother James
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