Saturday, November 2, 2024


 Let us attempt to define and explain what the Soul is...

Your Soul is an aspect of God.  That is, God is the Father of all Souls... But every Soul is also quite ignorant of itself, because all your Soul knew [before entering Creation] was Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.

And what [other than an aspect of God] is your Soul?

The Energy of your Soul is PURE Spiritual Energy, or NSgy... which means Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God and the Energy of Reality.   "Neutral"?  By "Neutral" I mean Absolutely NEUTRAL!

We are unfamiliar with "neutral" because there is nothing [other than we Souls] in the Creation that is Neutral.  Think about it for a moment. What do you know that is "neutral"?  [does not change,  except it dies and reappears as another form].  And only the MIND that is attached to every Soul remembers the past lives of that Soul.

And the Soul [when it entered the Creation] was Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy.  Therefore, a MIND was attached to your Soul so that your Soul would have a way to explore and experience the Creation... because your Soul is Pure NSgy... whereas your MIND was specifically designed to provide your Soul a means of "experiencing" the Creation... which is a giant Illusion

Remember... your Soul is Pure NSgy, and it is your MIND that operates as the (experiencer) for you Soul in the Creation.  And the reason for this is that your Soul is [in TRUTH] the perfection of God.

We might say that your Soul was without experience other than that of God... which is Neutral... which means Absolutely Perfect and single in that Perfection. So, we Souls are explorers of Creation.

What we can see and think about in the Creation was all Created... which means it is not Real [in an absolute sense], but serves as an Illusion that seems quite real [for the Souls within  the Creation].

So, what is real, and what is not real?  What is Real is invisible to us as human beings...and even the physical form you are in... is not you. One lives a limited engagement in one's body, and then that body dies, but one is born into another body [in the East, they say there are 8,400,000 different life forms into which we Souls may incarnate.

And what determines what life-form one gets is one's Karma.  That is, the life one is born into has to do with the Karma (actions and relations one's Soul did or had in one or more previous lifetimes]. This process is called Reincarnation.  And this holds for every Soul.

Hard to believe?  I know it is.  However, it is quite true.  A bit more to come relative to one's Soul.

Peace, 1 Bother James

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