Thursday, April 25, 2024




Take for instance the saying:  "God is Within You"!

What does this expression mean... I mean, literally?

In the long history of mankind there is no record of anyone ever presenting God  who was found hidden "Within" Man.

Why then do we have this expression... if there is no evidence to support the expression?

The reason we have the expression is that various Mystics or Saints have discovered the means of awakening to the Spiritual Soul [an aspect of God] existing "Within" themselves... and having accomplished this task, they have shared this fact with others who have not awakened to this accomplishment... and since there is no material evidence to support what these Mystics or Saints have said... intellectuals [people who are confined to the brain and thinking]... have denied the existence of God, the Soul, and even Spirituality.  And, in the history of mankind,   many of these intellectuals have engaged in all kinds of ways to eliminate those Mystics and Saints.  Christ was just one of these Mystics or Saints. Other Mystics or Saints were pulled apart by Elephants; boiled in oil; beheaded; and so on.

The brain is a physical muscle, located in one's Skull, and it, along with one's body, cease operating at the time of death.  But one's Soul is not physical, it is Spiritual,  and thus immortal... and it, along with a MIND that is attached to one's Soul, are both Reincarnated lifetime after lifetime.  And in each lifetime one's Soul accumulates "Karma," which is an Eastern term for the Law of Karma, designed by God, that is an absolute Law covering every action taken by  all life-forms in Creation.   It is the Karma we life-forms create that keeps all Souls coming back into the Creation via Reincarnation.

In the East, this Reincarnation is referred to as "The Wheel of Eighty Four," which refers to the fact that there are 8,400,000 life-forms into which we Souls can be born.  And every Soul in Creation is subject to Reincarnation. The Soul is invisible to the physical brain, and this is the reason so few people in history have ever become aware of the nature and function of the "Spiritual Energy" existing "Within" Man... which we call Soul.

The Energy of Spirituality does not exist on the physical plane of existence.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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