Tuesday, August 20, 2024



What causes the Liberal to crave more and more laws and regulations ?

Answer:   The answer is an intense [non-conscious] fear of "taking responsibility"... and this fear is hidden "Within" the MIND of the "Liberal-type personality".   Of course this fear is based on a "misperception" (explained shortly),  and it is deeply repressed "Within" the MIND of the liberal-type personality... which means it is unavailable to the brain or physical senses of the liberal.

Deeply repressed means it is hidden from the brain and physical senses of the liberal... and this fear causes the liberal to crave rules, laws, and regulations be imposed on people.  This craving is an excellent example of the term "projection".  That is, the liberal's non-conscious fear is converted by his or her MIND into a "need" which is then "projected" upon society as a whole.   let us emphasize that this fear is "psychological,' which means the liberal has no intellectual awareness  that he or she has this fear.  And thus, there is no way to intellectually convey to a liberal that he or she has this fear.

And the liberal "thinks" that he or she is doing society a favor by insisting that more and more rules and regulations regarding the behavior of people be imposed on society as a whole. 

What causes the liberal's MIND to develop this "misperception" (or belief by his or her MIND)?

The answer is... the MIND of this person is guided in its action by the Fate Karma this person brought into this lifetime.  The phrase "Fate Karma" means the script a person is born with for this lifetime.  And this "script" is a complete schedule for this lifetime for a person... based on what that Soul did in its previous lifetimes on Earth.  And of course this means that the term "Reincarnation" is a fact and not a theory.  Reincarnation means...  one's Soul is immortal, and does not die, while one's physical body... into which one's Soul is born... does die.  This birth and death schedule is true for all life forms in the Creation.

But back to the liberal and the fear of taking responsibility.  A person who has a non-conscious fear of taking responsibility has trouble "being responsible, and thus wants lots of restrictions placed on him or herself... and unfortunately... others as well.  Why would a person fear taking responsibility?  It is a bit difficult to explain what occurs in the MIND to cause this phenomenon, but let me try to do so [in less that a dozen pages].

At the core of every person is a non-conscious Self-View that one's MIND creates as who and what one is for  this lifetime.  It is based on a great many things, but of importance to us is the fact that this Self-View is generally negative, and only one's MIND knows what it is.  In the case of the liberal, the MIND takes-on certain beliefs from the Self-View of one's Mother and Father, and this sets-up a "belief" of who and what one is for this lifetime. This is one's psychological core, or Self-View.  In the case of the liberal-type person, the Self-View includes a fear of exposing the level of negativity held Within his or her MIND.  The impact of this is a fear of asserting oneself emotionally.  The energy of the MIND is emotional energy.  Therefore, if one tries to resist some negative desire of the brain... one must use one's emotional energy to resist the desire...  but guess where a desire of the brain comes from?  It comes from the MIND via what I refer to as Delusional Thinking, or D-Think.  Or thoughts fed to the brain by the MIND.  And we now run into the difference between emotion and Conscience.

And  we complicate the situation just a bit further.  Emotion is the MIND.  Conscience is of the Soul.

D-Think is fed to the brain by the MIND. .. which is the way the MIND insures that one's thinking is always aligned with one's Fate Karma for this lifetime.   And  in most people, their reaction is to simply comply with the D-Think fed to the brain. This is how people normally operate.

The exception would be the person whose level of Consciousness is elevated sufficiently to enable that person to access his or her faculty of Conscience [an ability to judge right from wrong].  And the person whose Soul has acquired a substantial amount of Consciousness  has also acquired a higher level of Conscience.  And we refer to such people as "enlightened".

How does one acquire Consciousness?  It is acquired by Completing Karma.  Which is another story for another day.

Is the liberal-type person a bit short on Consciousness?  Just a bit, and this shortage manifests itself in various ways... depending upon a person's Fate Karma for this lifetime?

Like I said, this topic is both confusing and difficult to discuss... because it stems from so many areas of Man that are not much known, especially in the West.

Peace,  1 Brother James


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