Thursday, November 21, 2024

FROM THE BOOK ENTITLED "SAR BACHAN" By Soamiji Maharaj, the founder of the Radha Soami System of Philosohy and Spiritual Science....

 "...Someone might ask why the eople do not believe in the words of the Saints."  This is found on page 60 of Sar Bachan.

I believe the reason that people do not "believe" in the words of the Saints is... the Saints speak of phenomena that cannot be perceived by one's physical senses. The Saints use words and terms that are found in the language people use, however, these words and terms are ABSTRACT words and terms, and this means that there is nothing physically tangible in our physical Creation that these words and terms can reveal to our physical senses.

So, how does one discover what these terms can only stand for?  If one can neither see, nor experience what the words can  ONLY stand for?

The answer is simply one cannot use the words and terms of the  Saints to discover what they are talking about!  And this is a problem that virtually every human being must overcome.  The question is this:  How does one resolve this problem?

Remember my sketch of the Whole Human Being?  Well, it illustrates what I am saying:

#1 is the physical part of Man, and this part includes one's brain and one's physical senses.  But #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to one's brain and one's physical senses.  What does "invisible" mean?

Invisible means that much of  what the Saint or Mystic is talking about does exist, but it exists in vibrational realms which are beyond the grasp of one's physical senses. Words such as Truth, Soul, Spirit, and Reality all exist, but they exist beyond the grasp of one's brain and physical senses.  They exist in other dimensions of Existence, in other words.  It is the "purpose" of special meditation that Saints teach that slowly and  over a period of time... subtly enables one's Soul to rise above one's MIND and to begin to awaken to bits of Truth and  Reality that exist in realms our physical senses just cannot perceive.  This process is referred to as Enlightenment, and it takes place as one's Attention aspect of Consciousness begins to convert and reclaim one's own higher Consciousness that was held prisoner by one's MIND.

That is... one's Soul must make a decision to devote the majority of one's Attention to one's Spiritual growth, which is a withdrawal from the world of Illusion.

Finally, what is the term "Love" that Mystics speak of and how does one acquire it?  I believe that the Love that Mystics speak of is the Pure Spiritual Energy that exists "within" every Soul... which is an aspect of God.   But only one's Soul can  perceive this Pure Spiritual Energy.... which I refer to as "NSgy" or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And the process of reclaiming NSgy is a long and difficult process... primarily because we are entangled in the Illusion we believe is reality.

Peace. 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...