Sunday, November 24, 2024



What Man cannot perceive [using one's physical senses, or thinking] are those elements of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.   And does this not make sense?  Sure it does, if one will accept that one's brain and physical senses exist as part of the "material" nature of the physical dimension of existence!

What is difficult for Man to accept is that the brain is unable to perceive three-quarters of the Whole Human Being (WHB).  In other words, the MIND feeds Delusional Thinking, or D-Think, to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain that subtly avoids mentioning the fact that we are unable to perceive any part of the MIND, or the Soul of Man.  Again, my sketch of the Whole of Man:

The first circle is #1, and it represents the physical dimension of Man.  This physical dimension includes one's physical body, one's brain, and one's feelings [which are caused by one's emotions]... which are themselves mostly invisible to us.

Therefore, the MIND subtly operates the brain by feeding subtle thoughts to the brain that the brain "thinks" are it's own thoughts. And it is the rare person who realizes that much of what one thinks is being fed to one's brain by one's MIND.  And because we think what we think is true, we find it most difficult to judge what seems true, and what is really the Truth.   And very few people realize that the Truth is actually INVISIBLE to one's brain because the Truth is an absolute Energy, like that of God, and we Souls,  and I refer to this Energy as "NSgy" or "Neutral Spiritual Energy," and NSgy does not change.

This is a picture of the physical brain: 

The brain is a physical muscle located in the skull, and it is a most complex organism.  But as complex as the brain is, it does not possess the ability to perceive the Energy of the Soul, or of God.

The Soul is an aspect of God, and the Soul is therefore composed of "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy, which is an Absolute Energy, and that which existed as "Existence" before God Created the  Creation...  which was CREATED... and the fact that the entire Creation was Created is a most remarkable Illusion.  And this is a very difficult concept for any person to grasp. It just is beyond the brain and thinking to grasp the fact that the seemingly endless Creation is not Real in an Absolute sense, and that it is subject to dissolution.

When a person looks at the night sky, it is very difficult to imagine that all of that was Created by intention!  Just like when one is flying over a portion of the Earth, it is beyond one's imagination to rationally think that all of what one observes was "Created".... and is subject to dissolution.  It is much easier to simply marvel at the size and scope of Creation, and not involve oneself in trying to imagine how anyone could have Created the Creation?  Much easier to just accept the Creation as a reality.   So, to whom does it occur to wonder what kind of power Created what we observe? 

Finally, with what one observes of the wonder of nature...  who can imagine God using one's brain and thinking?  Man's imagination is limited by experience... of what Man can observe... which is lacking three-quarters of one's own being.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...