Saturday, November 2, 2024

Regarding the "SOUL"...

But First... what is "NSgy"?  Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God, the Father of all also the Energy of every Soul... and the Energy of Reality.

This is the proper place to begin what this blog hopes to articulate... the normally invisible elements of Man, which exist in vibrational realms whose existence is invisible to the physical human being, and yet these invisible elements are represented by the "substance" that we refer to as the "Creation".

What we can see and think about, relative to the Creation, are all sustained by NSgy, which is, once again, the Energy of God, and thus, the Energy of Reality... which is neither tangible nor physical, and is what we refer to as "Invisible".  That is, Energies that operate in dimensions which are beyond the reach of our physical bodies, and senses.

In other words... to awaken to the Spiritual dimensions of Reality, one must use one's Soul... or what we refer to as "Conscious Awareness"...or one's faculty of "Intuition"... which is sadly neglected in the West...  Because we cannot "think" our way to NSgy.

A sketch from my own Intuition is this one from a number of years ago:

This is a sketch of the Whole Human Being.  Composed of several different realms, each with it's own range of vibrations.  Note the brain (and thus thinking) are part of #1.  #1 is the Creation, which is physical and an "Illusion" we "think" is real.  So, isn't it strange that we "think" the Creation is real... and we question if God is Real...

Let's discuss the Soul in our next blog...

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...