Wednesday, January 29, 2025

WHAT IS TRUTH ... and can one ever discover it?

 That is... what is the purpose of life?  I ask this because I believe I recently awakened to what I believe is a glimpse of what the Purpose of Life is... and what I experienced was really strange.

Would you believe that the purpose of life is to explore and experience what life is?  ...for we Souls who are in the midst of fulfilling that "Purpose"!  That is... what we know of as "life"...  is an exploration of all the physical plane ingredients by which we Souls are discovering [literally discovering by living in]... what Creation is for... which is to "help we Souls "learn" what being on Earth... [ in the Creation]  is all about... in order to awaken to an understanding of what physical phenomena is, can do,  become, and how it differs from "Spiritual Reality"... which for me is something that "does not change"... ever.

Why would we Souls "need to" be on Earth to "learn" what the Purpose of Life is?  Because life on Earth is nothing like who and what we Souls are.  Take for example, the term "Truth".  Why is it that no one seems to know what the Truth is?  And yet, every Soul is entirely composed of Truth.  Find that hard to believe?  I know it seems most unlikely... but it is nonetheless the Truth... in so far as I can discover.

I have referred to the Energy of the Soul as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy, for quite some time, and the reason I do so is that many years ago I realized that each Soul is an aspect of God, and the Energy of God seemed to me to be an Absolute Energy.  And by "Absolute" I mean an Energy that never changes.  Which is how I define  the terms Truth, and Reality.  So, what is Truth... that does not change?

Webster's New Dictionary defines Truth as:   1.Conformity to knowledge, fact, actuality, or logic. 2. Fidelity to an original or standard. 3. Reality; actuality.

Personally, I define Truth as Permanent and unchanging... which for me is not unlike Reality, as opposed to the Illusion of the Creation, which is constantly changing.  So, I believe we Souls  are aspects of God, whom I believe is Absolute Truth, Reality, and Love.  But on Earth, we Souls are very much operated by the MIND that is attached to every Soul in the Creation... which enables the Soul to explore and experience the Creation.  For the purpose of "learning" what life on Earth can teach we Souls about the physical plane of existence.  Which is fairly negative, isn't it?  That is, life absent the Reality of the Pure Spiritual Dimension of existence... which most Souls on Earth have forgotten a long time ago. And if it were not for special Souls like Jesus, and various Saints and Mystics,  we Souls would be up a creek without a paddle!

That's  a snapshot of what exists on Earth.  What this particular blog hopes to do is to attempt an explanation of what is "mystically" taking place within we Souls presently on Earth.  "The Purpose of life, in other words,"is not easily discovered by simply observing life on Earth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...