FOR INSTANCE... the terms Truth, Soul, Existence, Spirit [Spirituality], MIND, and God. All of these terms are "abstract" terms in that we know the names and definitions for these terms, is the truly rare individual who has actually experienced the REALITY these terms stand for.
That is, to find an individual who has actually experienced what these abstract terms "stand for"! In point of fact, the only people who have actually experienced all of what these terms stand for would be a Perfect Living Master... or someone like Christ, or one of many such Souls throughout history whose purpose for being on Earth was and has always been to draw to themselves specific Souls who God has determined are "ready" to begin their journey back Home to the Pure Spiritual Realm... which is a realm we refer to as God, or Reality, which means the "Existence" of Reality... in a dimension that is entirely invisible to Man.
One such group of people would be those who have been Initiated into the Spiritual Path known as "Sant Mat"... or the" Path of the Saints" . The "Home" of this group is known as Radha Soami Satsang Beas. Or, Dera Baba Jaimal Singh. Punjab 143204, India.
I first heard of this group in the early 1970's. I was invited to attend a meeting of a group by a veteran-student of my acquaintance when I was teaching in a university in Illinois. I was not particularly impressed with that first meeting. but that young student also loaned me a book to read...and that book awakened from somewhere "Within" me a great longing to discover more about this organization. And that was how I came onto the Spiritual Path that I have followed for the last 50 plus years.
Some time ago I created the following illustration:
In this illustration I have introduced 4 circles. #1 is the physical dimension [or what Man can physically perceive]. #2 is the Astral Plane, or the Lower MIND. #3 is the CausalCausal Plane, or the Higher MIND. And #4 is the Pure Spiritual Realm, or what we refer to as God... and the Home of each Soul...who is in a life-form on Earth.The only realm the physical senses of Man can perceive is #1, the physical realm of the Creation. #2, 3, and 4, are all invisible to the physical senses of Man. However, Man is unique because only in Man can a Soul discover the otherwise invisible dimensions which make-up the Whole Human Being. And that will be the subject of our next blog.
Peace, 1 Brother James