Wednesday, February 26, 2025

A NEW search of TRUTH.

 A NEW BLOG for those who are curious about the Soul, and about Truth.


As an old man... I will have completed 90 years in May... I am on the downside of my existence on this Earth Plane.  And my life has been interesting, and at times difficult, and almost always surprising.

I have also been blessed with a mostly invisible purpose in this life that I slowly awakened to over the last fifty years.  It is that mostly invisible life that I would like to share with other Souls who may or may not have been following a similar path?   Or some pathway that to them seems a bit peculiar?

To begin, allow me to share a bit about how I view the Truth?  I believe Truth (capital "T"Truth) can only be found within the Pure Spiritual Realm of existence.   That is, the Pure Spiritual Dimension is then the only Reality there is.  I once heard a Mystic say that nothing of the physical dimension is real.  Think about that for a moment...  That means that what we think is real.... isn't real.  If not real, what then is it?

Well, mystics tell us that what we know as this physical plane of existence is an Illusion.  An Illusion?  That is a bit hard to accept, isn't it?  But, over the last fifty  years, I have become convinced that what the mystics tell us is the Truth. ...But think about what I am saying for a few minutes. How come all of us are aware of the Soul, and yet... who do you know who has seen a Soul?  Or can tell you where you can find the Truth?  Or God, or Reality?

So, this blog is about those things we believe to exist, but we have no proof of their existence... or do we? 

Peace, 1Brother James



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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...