Saturday, March 1, 2025


My own definition of Love... [slowly acquired over the last fifty years], is this: We Souls are naturally aspects of Love because we are aspects of God, and God is Pure Love; Pure Truth; and Pure Reality... and the entire Creation is a projection by God. The Creation is an Illusion... that we Souls believe is real.  Most people do not view the Creation as an Illusion, but rather believe that the Creation is absolutely "real". We Souls may not have known about the Creation prior to awakening to find ourselves a part of it? Nor would we realize that our Souls are quite "invisible" to [and separate from] the physical life form we presently find ourselves "within"?  No wonder no one has found the  Soul... it's invisible to our physical senses.

 Yuga: Age or cycle of time.  According to Hindu scriptures, time is divided into four recurring yugas or cycles:  Satyug or Kritayug(the Age of Truth or the Golden Age), Tretayug (the Silver Age), Dwaparyug (the Copper or Bronze Age), and Kaliyug (the Dark or Iron Age). Kaliyug (the Dark or Iron Age is the present and last yuga of the cycle).  

     The above quote is from Mysticism The Spiritual Path, Auhor: Lekh Raj Puri.  Radha Soami Satsang Beas. First Edition, 1938.

Recall my sketch of the Whole Human Being:

#1 is the physical realm of Man, which includes the brain. And #2, #3, and #4 are all "invisible" to the normal brain of the normal person.  To gain awareness of one's Soul, one must put in a great deal of "special" meditation over a long period of time.  The Energy of the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy, which means Love was a "natural" part of we Souls at one time.

My own definition of Love [slowly acquired over the last fifty years] is this: Love is the natural Energy of the Soul, since the Soul is an aspect of God, the Father.  But, between one's Soul and one's Love is one's MIND... which comprises what we refer to as one's "Ego".  We mistakenly believe that who we see in the mirror is who and what we are.  It is not who one is, it is the body one's Soul inhabits in this lifetime.  And we have lived many, many lifetimes... and as many different species.  And more on this general subject in my next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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