Friday, March 7, 2025


 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think.

Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what your Soul KNOWS. 

Intellect is a part of the Creation, and Knowledge is an aspect of Reality.

And Reality is another term for Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy, or God.

Neutral Spiritual Energy... is my way of referring to the Energy of God, and the Energy of we Souls,  and the Energy of Existence before "Creation".  We are all aspects of God... but in various levels of "Awareness"... Or put another way... in various levels of "evolution".  Evolution is a process of maturation in which we Souls in the Creation are slowly exploring and experiencing the Creation.


The Whole Human Being: 

#1 is the physical form with a brain. #2, #3, and #4 are the parts of Man that are Invisible to the brain. But these invisible parts are crucial elements of the Whole Human Being.  The fact that they are invisible to us is part of the  effectiveness of the Illusion of Creation.  We are convinced that the Illusion  is real.

Three parts of the Whole Human Being are INVISIBLE to our brain and physical senses.  This makes the term INVISIBLE a most important term in any attempt to understand the Whole of Man. 

But inherent in the fact of "invisibility" is a reluctance of people to admit to an inability to perceive that which they are told exists... but to them, is most definitely invisible!

So,  how does one deal with that which is invisible?   The only way I know of after 50+ years of searching is to awaken one's faculty of "Intuition"... which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul and its Consciousness... the increase of which is a major purpose of we Souls being in the Creation... and the primary task of the Law of Karma [designed by God as part of the Creation].

Huh??   Much, well, most of the above has been known by highly evolved Mystics over many thousands of years.  Christ was one such Mystic.  The problem is... Reality can ONLY be KNOWN by an aspect of one's Soul I refer to as "Intuition," which is an aspect of Consciousness... which I believe is the Energy of one's Soul, and NSgy.

How does one access one's Intuition or Consciousness?  Well, I will attempt to explain that in my next  blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 6, 2025



Actually, one's age in this life is not the issue.  No human being on Earth today is NEW to this Earth.   And how do I know this?  Because every human being on Earth today has slowly made his or her way to  birth as a  human being after first existing as a great many other life-forms.  This is the real meaning of the term "evolution".  One's Soul begins life in the lowest form of life, and then evolves into higher life-forms ... or at times can go backwards as well... depending upon how one uses the life-form one is born into?  To go backwards in one's evolution is called "Transmigration".  And it is a form of punishment that most Souls respond to positively.  It is also part of the Law of Karma, which is the Law of Creation, established by God... when the Creation was Created.

You see.... the Soul is immortal, and although the body in which it exists can die, your Soul does not die, but is Reincarnated into another life-form on Earth.


And all of this is explained in a book entitled "The Path of the Masters" by Julian Johnson, and it can be found in many libraries.

Just a quick note to those who might be curious about, life, death, and other Esoteric things?  One thing one learns as one's Soul matures is the term "Invisible".  Were you aware that three-quarters of the Whole of yourself are Invisible to your physical senses?  And the most important parts of yourself are invisible to your physical self.  Isn't it strange one can "think" about one's Soul, but one cannot see it with one's physical eyes?

Does Man have a form of sight that exists beyond his physical sight? More curious all the time.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Part Two of The Law of Karma...

 In this sketch, we see my symbol "NSgy," which stands for "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which "Stands for"  the realm of Spirituality existing "Within" Man. The faculty of Intuition is, I believe, the means by which we human beings can tap into our store of Consciousness... and "Consciousness" is [I believe] another term for how aware one is of the Spirituality one's Soul has acquired [reclaimed by one's Soul from one's MIND] from having used it in the Soul's exploration of the Creation...the process of which we refer to as KARMA]...over one's many lifetimes.  We are not cognitively aware of all of this by use of one's brain of course.  We only become AWARE of this when one is able to raise the Awareness of one's Soul [via "Intuition"] to some higher level of one's "Consciousness"!  Which is what we refer to as Awareness, or "Spiritual Enlightenment".

It is the role and job of the Perfect Living Master to gather those Souls that God has marked as "wanting" desperately to cease the "fun" of "Reincarnation and Transmigration"!

That's MIND uses the Energy of one's Soul [Pure Spiritual Energy] to create events in one's life, which we refer to as Karmic events.  And each bit of Karma one experiences reduces the amount of Pure Spiritual Energy by the amount of Energy it takes to stage and experience that Karmic event.  Over time, as you might imagine... this depletes one's store of Pure Spiritual Energy substantially... thus reducing one's level of Consciousness as well.

In this sketch, I attempt to illustrate #1 circle as one's physical self [including one's intellect and brain], and what one normally does...  is to think about what to one's physical senses SEEMS TO BE ALL THERE IS TO "know". This means THAT BEING CONFINED TO THE BRAIN, WE ARE NOT AWARE of the OTHER THREE  PARTS OF OUR WHOLE. To us,  they are invisible.


Therefore, those individuals in life who seem to be overly active in terms of their negativity are individuals whose store of NSgy  [Consciousness or Spirituality] is tied-up in what is known in the East as KARMA.  And one's Karma is stored "within" one's MIND. And it is this stored Karma that keeps we Souls "stuck" in the Creation. And subject to what is called "Transmigration"... or one's Soul continually being born into various life-forms. This is called "Reincarnation".

 We view people whose NSgy or Consciousness is depleted as criminals because of their lack of restraint in how they relate to others.  What is going on with them is that they have simply depleted their store of NSgy, and thus, they are operating at a low-level of Consciousness.  The MIND, if allowed to do what it wants... will quite often create negative actions.  ...For the "fun" of doing so... Hard to believe, perhaps, but that's what is going on in what we refer to as "Life".

Again, the Law of Creation is God's Law... for all Souls in Creation.  So, if your character and personality tend to be negative... guess what?   You have been over-working the negativity side of life too much. And your negative Karma is simply evidence of this fact.

The only way for a Soul to regain a positive status once it has depleted its store of NSgy is to engage in very positive behavior, thoughts, and actions... for a number of lifetimes.  And don't forget that every negative action one takes... that exact same action will come back to oneself at some point in some lifetime.  And to own ONE'S OWN ACTIONS, and forgive those involved in one's "play of Karma".... IS A VERY HARD THING TO DO!!   And who knows how many negative Karmic events must be experienced by oneself in order to just deal with what is already on the books?

As you Sow, so shall you Reap... and there is no alternative to this LAW!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 3, 2025


 In the West, generally speaking... the Law of Karma is more often ignored than regarded seriously. I suspect the reason for this is because the Law of Karma was Created by God in relationship to the CREATION itself, and in the West [so that Intellectualism can operate as the "primary" "skill set" of Man...] that is,  the primary activity of Man is "thinking"... about life... while seeking to retain a higher position than other species of life.  This is how Man proves the human being is a higher life-force than other species of life.  And this "need" to be special on the part of Man is a natural expression of the Ego aspect of the MIND of Man.  It also reflects the fact that Mankind, as a whole, tends to ignore the fact that Man knows so little about the three-fourths of "LIFE" that are invisible to the physical senses of Man.

My sketch of "The Whole of Man" attempts to illustrate this point:

 #1 circle represents the physical Man, which includes the brain with which Man thinks.  #2, #3, and #4 represent the realms of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man. So, we human beings, since we are unable to "think" about what we cannot experience... except abstractly, we simply ignore #2, #3, and #4... which we believe are all invisible to Man.


And they are invisible to one's physical senses, however, Man also has a faculty of "Intuition"that I believe is an aspect of one's Consciousness... which is Knowledge or Wisdom.

The primary concepts we hold regarding Life... I believe...,  stem from the fact we limit ourselves to what our physical senses can perceive.  We therefore ignore the essential elements that comprise the "Whole" of Man... or #2, #3, and #4 of my sketch... which are invisible to our physical senses. How is it then that I can speak of the existence of #2, #3, and #4?

The answer is  that I have spent over 50 years searching for these parts of Man... and what I have discovered is illustrated in my sketch above. Number 2, 3 and 4 are all "Within" Man, but they consist of energies whose vibrations cannot be perceived by our physical senses... with one exception.

Within the substance of what we call Consciousness [which I believe is the Soul's "Awareness"].  That is... a Soul that has acquired an elevated level of "Intuition" by "Completing Karma"... has a subtle increase in what we refer to as "Intuition".  And if one's faculty of Intuition  is elevated... (or is Enlightened), then this level of Awareness is the natural consequence of one's Soul COMPLETING various bits of Karma [which is, by the way, a part of the Purpose of Life]... and what this does is this:results in a person possessing an elevated level of Intuition-- or an expanded level of Knowledge or Wisdom.

Think of the level of one's faculty of Intuition as a measure of Knowledge or Wisdom one's Soul has acquired by "Completing" Karma over many lifetimes.

How does one COMPLETE KARMA?   Well, that's a good question?  And the direct answer is this:  The way in which one's Soul COMPLETES an obligation of Karma is to do two things! 1. Fully "own" [take responsibility for] a bit of Karma one experiences, and to entirely FORGIVE those involved in that bit of Karma! This is difficult to do because one's MIND wants to blame others for every bit of Karma we experience. This is a very strong "habit" of the MIND.

And let us address speak to this aspect of Karma in our next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, March 2, 2025

For that matter... what is REALITY?



The simple fact is... my sketch of The Whole of Man... explains the reason we are unable to find the Truth, or Reality.  That is, #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  And where they are is where we will find  the Soul, Truth, and Reality... and where is that?  It is the Pure Spiritual Realm, which is a realm entirely separate from the Creation and this physical plane.

The only parts of Man we can see and think about with our brain are those parts that are physical, tangible, and part of the Creation.... or are "abstract words or symbols" that we have created to "stand for" or "point to" that which we cannot actually see. 

This  is a KEY BIT OF EXISTENCE... that Man has forgotten.  The fact that hidden "within" Man is the Pure Spiritual Energy of God in the form of a Soul... is something our linear brain cannot perceive, and cannot imagine. Let us say that we Souls are exploring the Creation, and our guide is the individual MIND that is attached to each Soul... and the MIND has [over a great many lifetimes] assumed the role of one's Ego-structure... and one's MIND [and the Karma (history and obligations) generated by one's Soul] is what keeps we Souls "stuck" in the Creation...and this situation is called "Transmigration" or Reincarnation.
And  this is what keeps we Souls stuck in the Creation.  This situation is well-known in the East, and essentially ignored in the West. 

Now... isn't that something to ponder?   If one can ponder that which is invisible?
Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 1, 2025


My own definition of Love... [slowly acquired over the last fifty years], is this: We Souls are naturally aspects of Love because we are aspects of God, and God is Pure Love; Pure Truth; and Pure Reality... and the entire Creation is a projection by God. The Creation is an Illusion... that we Souls believe is real.  Most people do not view the Creation as an Illusion, but rather believe that the Creation is absolutely "real". We Souls may not have known about the Creation prior to awakening to find ourselves a part of it? Nor would we realize that our Souls are quite "invisible" to [and separate from] the physical life form we presently find ourselves "within"?  No wonder no one has found the  Soul... it's invisible to our physical senses.

 Yuga: Age or cycle of time.  According to Hindu scriptures, time is divided into four recurring yugas or cycles:  Satyug or Kritayug(the Age of Truth or the Golden Age), Tretayug (the Silver Age), Dwaparyug (the Copper or Bronze Age), and Kaliyug (the Dark or Iron Age). Kaliyug (the Dark or Iron Age is the present and last yuga of the cycle).  

     The above quote is from Mysticism The Spiritual Path, Auhor: Lekh Raj Puri.  Radha Soami Satsang Beas. First Edition, 1938.

Recall my sketch of the Whole Human Being:

#1 is the physical realm of Man, which includes the brain. And #2, #3, and #4 are all "invisible" to the normal brain of the normal person.  To gain awareness of one's Soul, one must put in a great deal of "special" meditation over a long period of time.  The Energy of the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy, which means Love was a "natural" part of we Souls at one time.

My own definition of Love [slowly acquired over the last fifty years] is this: Love is the natural Energy of the Soul, since the Soul is an aspect of God, the Father.  But, between one's Soul and one's Love is one's MIND... which comprises what we refer to as one's "Ego".  We mistakenly believe that who we see in the mirror is who and what we are.  It is not who one is, it is the body one's Soul inhabits in this lifetime.  And we have lived many, many lifetimes... and as many different species.  And more on this general subject in my next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James



Simple question, right?  At least until we get serious about defining "Love," and what it really means... and where it comes from, and what it means exactly?

It is fairly easy to say the word "love".  As long as one is not asked to precisely define what one means by use of the word "love"!  How would you define it?  How does the dictionary define it? 

From Webster's..."3. A strong liking or enthusiasm for something."

Enthusiasm?  Like most definitions, this one cannot let go of the need to restrict oneself to that which is physical, tangible, and safely tucked into one's store of abstract words from within one's brain and MIND.

Heaven forbid that one might suggest that Love springs from the Spiritual Dimension of oneself.  Spiritual Dimension?  We don't talk about some things because they are not clearly physical, tangible, and not likely to demand one "KNOW" something that isn't clearly physical. 

Remember my sketch of the Whole Human Being...

For the most part, most dictionaries stop at the edge of that which is tangible and can be referred to by abstract words.

My sketch refers to #4, which is the Pure Spiritual Realm "within" Man... which is quite invisible to our physical senses... confined to #1, and the brain.

Love is to be found in the same place as that of TRUTH!  LOVE is the Energy of God. Just as Truth is the Energy of God... and the Energy of God is invisible to the physical Man.  And this suggests Man is other than just physical, doesn't it?

       The blue line with  yellow end refers to the invisible in Man
 So, how does one deal with the invisible "within" oneself?

Answer... one learns how to access the invisible part of oneself! 

And this means one must discover how to withdraw one's Attention aspect of Consciousness from one's physical senses... and relocate it in one's Spiritual Dimension... which is the (actual) goal of Meditation. A goal  [by the way] very few people actually achieve while alive.

And... we will continue our discussion of Love tomorrow.

Peace, 1 Brother James



 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...