Thursday, October 10, 2024

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". "NSgy"?  Neutral Spiritual Energy.  Why "Neutral"?  Because Neutral is neither good nor bad.  The term Neutral, in other words, is an Absolute! That is, it is not a duality in that it never changes, and it is not composed of anything other than NSgy. 

By contrast, Man... that is the MIND of Man... has both good and evil tendencies.  And I believe the reason for this is that to exist in the Creation, a thing must consist of a duality of both good and bad.  Remember, this Creation was Created!  And it was Created from NSgy... How was this done?  I believe what we "think of as reality" is, in actuality, a series of energy realms, each having a duality which is what keeps these realms in existence. That is, a specific range of vibrations whose oppositional structure keeps each realm in operation and  opposed to one another, thus keeping each realm separate and individual.  

And in this physical, tangible realm, we experience material phenomena because the vibrations of this realm are the same vibrations as that of our physical bodies....  So, to try and use one's brain to "think" about the other realms of Existence,  we are confined to our physical brain.., which is a very complex muscle located in the skull of each life-form on Earth, but it is also composed of the same vibrational energy as the material realm itself.  In other words, one's brain is confined to the same energy as all other things on Earth.  What one's brain "thinks" it can do is to "know" things because it can define things using words:  And it "thinks" [assumes that] the definitions of words are the "same as" experiencing what the words are pointing to, or stand for.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking," or D-Think.  And since each person does this... this is also what our education does!  It substitutes words for things.  And our MINDs convince us that if we know the words, we know the things.

In other words, none of us can "think" about the Soul, because the Soul is composed of NSgy, and the MIND [which is attached to each Soul] is also composed of a vibration other than physical.

This sketch was done to try and illustrate the different energy realms in the Creation. #1 is the physical realm. #2 is the Astral realm, which is the Lower MIND, and #3 is the Causal realm, which is  the Higher MIND.  #4 is NSgy, or the Soul and it is entirely NSgy.  This is what Mystics refer to when they say that God is "within" Man.  Of course God, or NSgy, is within Man.  It is the only thing that is Real in Man.

We have the Creation [which was Created], and  this is the energy of our physical bodies, and we have NSgy, which is the only part of Man that is Real [in an absolute sense] .  Reality vs Creation.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Diagram of the Consciousness [or NSgy] of Man... 


NSgy is my symbol for Neutral Spiritual Energy (or God) Within Man. And NSgy is what we refer to as Consciousness. And the entire Creation is sustained by God.  AND... every action one takes in the Creation requires one's Soul to use its NSgy [that is, one's MIND uses the NSgy of one's Soul to "create" that action - which we call "Karma"].  This, of course, reduces the amount of NSgy or Consciousness of one's Soul... by the amount of Karma required to create and sustain an act of Karma.  AND... the Only Way to get one's NSgy back is for one's Soul to emotionally [which means use of one's MIND]... to take complete Responsibility for a bit of Karma that one must face in life.   One's Soul created that bit of Karma in the first place [or rather one's MIND used the NSgy of the Soul to create and sustain the Karma] and that bit of Karma will continue to return to oneself ... lifetime after lifetime, until one's Soul can FORCE ONE'S MIND TO take full responsibility for, and to completely forgive the person [or people] who is/are RETURNING one's Karma back to oneself to experience!

Is this a surprise to you?  How much Karma have you acquired over the many lifetimes you have been in the Creation?  All of it must be converted into NSgy before one can go back HOME!  Even if you have no idea that it is being held by your MIND.  This is the number one "secret" we in the West are not taught.  Even though this is also what keeps all Souls stuck in the Creation.

That's what the Mystic means when he or she says that a person must become as a tiny child.  That is, a person's Soul must become like that of a new-born child...without the burden of the Karma held by one's MIND..

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Regarding The Major Problem of Education which is...

The limitation of the human brain and thinking.   Which is sometimes called "Intellectualism".

Although Man is capable of a great many things, one thing that Man cannot do is to use the brain to perceive the energy of the MIND, or that of the Soul. And the reason for this is suggested in my sketch:

Number 1 is the physical body within which is one's brain within the skull; and we use this brain  to think with. And much of our thinking are thoughts fed to the brain by one's MIND.

This is a picture of the brain, which is a physical muscle located in the Skull.  Man has searched the brain for ages trying to figure out how it works?  The problem is, the brain is limited to that which is either physical, or are thoughts fed to it by one's MIND.  So, it is unable to perceive what makes it work... which is the MIND, which is not physical.

Since all human beings operate the same regarding the brain and MIND [if both are in good working order?] the only way we can become aware of our MIND is by use of "Intuition"... which is a faculty of one's Soul.  But in the West, we are so focused on the brain and thinking... and are taught to virtually ignore our faculty of Intuition [because we cannot "think" about it...] that,  in the West at least, we hardly  use of our Intuition like we should.  But more on that in the next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Friday, October 4, 2024


 "We should be more concerned with that truth which will liberate us from our sins, from birth and death, instead of unnecessarily wasting our time by giving importance to the coverings of rituals and ceremonies. Those things only mislead and misguide us by taking our attention away from the very purpose of life on this earth.  As you know, that purpose is to reap the harvest which is ready for us and thus return to the Father on the path which he himself  has put within us."

This quote is from a book  written by Maharaj Charan Singh, entitled "Light On Saint John".

This statement refers to "the path " that "the Father" [God],  has put "within us". And the term "within" stands for  a "secret" Known by Saints and Mystics that cannot be explained in any language known to Man.   And what I just wrote is the reason so few people on Earth realize what a Perfect Living Master is!  And what do I mean ?

In my first blog under the heading

... I mentioned the phrase Neutral Spiritual Energy, which I have labeled "NSgy".  Well, the Spiritual Realm "within" Man is entirely invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man because it consists of NSgy... which is Pure Spiritual Energy and it is ONLY visible to that which is also NSgy.  And that means one's Soul.

So, a Great Master, or Saint, is sent into the Creation by God to help those Souls who are "ready" to return Home to God... but, even these Great Souls cannot convey NSgy to the people of Earth.   Simply because only a Pure Soul can perceive TRUTH.  And, NSgy is Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, which is TRUTH.  And thus, the great Masters and Saints must speak to us, but our various languages have no word-equivalent terms for NSgy.

Thus... the "Path" that Saints and Mystics point to remains invisible to all but those Souls that have followed the "path" for a period of time sufficient for them to awaken from "within" themselves sufficient Consciousness [that is... NSgy] begin to awaken to elements of NSgy that enables them to make progress on "the Path"... all Saints and Mystics can only verbally point to.  It is we human beings that must do the work of engaging in a special kind of meditation... over a period of time [sometimes years]!

Well, there are a couple of crucial factors at play other than simply meditation.  One thing the Saint or Perfect Living Master does help with  is encouraging we otherwise helpless Souls to acquire Love, Desire, and great longing for Truth.  And the Saints do this by being the NSgy they represent.  The physical body of the Saint is not who the Saint is.  It is merely a body in which the Saint can communicate with we human beings.  It is the purity of the Soul of these humble servants of God that attract those Souls they have come to help.

In my copy of Light on Saint John, it says that to order books on the internet, to visit:

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, October 3, 2024

PSYCH-EDUCATION.COM... and away we go!

 How do we improve education?  We begin by accepting who and what Man is!  And, we must also learn how to accept a bit of humility!  To test your level of humility... answer this question?

1.  What is the Purpose of Life?   I mean, we all know that a person is born, lives, and then dies.  But everyone knows that, right?  These things are not in question?   My question is WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE?  WHY ARE YOU BORN... as a human being?

Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?  What is Spiritual Energy?  I believe that Spiritual Energy is actually Neutral Spiritual Energy ... and being "Neutral" makes it unique.  The essence of Spirituality is that it is "Neutral," and thus, it never changes.  So the key to "Neutral"is that Neutral is an absolute and it never changes.  For example the term "Truth".  There is only one Truth, and many things that are sort of true. But who has found Truth?

The "key" to Neutral is that it never changes, and it is therefore an absolute.  What do you know that is absolute and  never changes?  What do you know that is NEUTRAL?  I Know a few things that are Absolute and they never change.  One is Truth.  Another is God.  And another is one's Soul, which is an aspect of God.  Note that none of these has been found by use of our physical senses.

How come?  Could it be  that our physical senses simply cannot perceive the ENERGY of elements which ONLY exist in the Pure Spiritual Realm?  That is, the vibrations of elements in the Realm of Spirituality resonate at a level that our physical senses simply cannot perceive?

If you follow me in what I am saying... then it is a relatively easy task to suppose that elements that are absolute in nature.... do indeed exist, but the vibrations of these Absolute elements are such that our physical  senses  just cannot perceive  them.  So, when people in the past have suggested that "Truth" does not exist in the world... they are correct.  But in being correct, they suggest that Truth exists in another realm or dimension.

All I have done is to suggest that "another dimension" is the dimension of Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, or my symbol for this realm is "NSgy".  Neutral Spiritual Energy.

So, if your Soul is composed of NSgy, how did your Soul find its way to this physical plane?

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT:  Study the following sketch:

#1 is the physical realm, where we are presently with our physical bodies;  and each body has a physical brain, which dies along with one's physical body at the time of death.  Question:  What about the Soul and the MIND? Does this suggest the Soul and MIND are not physical?

Peace, 1 brother James

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

REALITY VS ILLUSION.... And which is which?

 A most remarkable thing is that what we "think of" as reality is an Illusion, and the only way to disprove the Illusion is to "awaken to Reality" from "within" oneself.

And, how does one do this.... you may ask?   The truly bizarre Truth is... that the entire Creation is an Illusion... and virtually every human being on Earth "thinks" that the only reality there is, is the Illusion.  I mean we can see the sky, the mountains, the rivers, and of course all the people living on Earth... so how can I even say that everything we can see, taste, touch and feel is part of a grand Illusion? 

Well, the way I can say this is that over a great many years [since March 17, 1973]... I have been doing a morning meditation of about two hours and 30 minutes.  Plus I have read a great many books about Mystical phenomena and Spirituality.  And... I also experienced Gestalt Psychotherapy as part of my obtaining my Masters in Science degree in Counseling/Psychotherapy, in 1978.

But, I also know that no amount of tangible and physical "evidence" in the form of education, books, etc. will do much good because it is not my brain that has changed, it is my Soul [and specifically my level of Consciousness has been altered].  And there is no tangible, physical, or intellectual means by which I can transfer what I have experienced from "within" my own level of Consciousness to another person so that he or she can "know" what I have experienced!

I created the following sketch some years ago specifically to illustrate the structure of Man, because the structure of Man is INVISIBLE to the physical senses of Man.

That is, #1 we can see and think about.  But #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to our physical senses.  And the only part of Man capable of becoming aware of #2, #3, and #4 is what we refer to as "Intuition." which is (I believe) a faculty of the Soul.  And I believe that one's Intuition is tied to one's level of Consciousness... which is increased by how much meditation one has engaged in?

And for most people my mention of meditation has little, if any meaning.  So, there we are...

The Whole Human Being [WHB] consists of two basic parts:  One is tangible, and the other is invisible. Again my sketch is really helpful... if one can believe that there are three parts of Man that are invisible to the brain.  #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to one's physical senses.

And mystics and Masters both say that the ONLY way for Man to return Home to God is for Man to engage in a lifetime of dedicated meditation and to be "Initiated" into a Spiritual Path wherein a Master or Saint, sent by God to Initiate certain Souls into that Path, and for those Souls to dedicate themselves to such meditation.  I mention this only because this process exists.

Well, meditation does help one to awaken elements of oneself that are otherwise inaccessible to MAN. And that is how I have come to Know certain things, and to increase my level of Consciousness.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, September 27, 2024

Let'sl take a step back for clarification of ""

 Or this logo: 

The field of psychology [prior to the take-over by individuals who are psychologically [which means "unknown" to themselves] locked into use of the brain, and thinking... as their primary means of discovery--, that is, people who are limited to use of the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking... or people who are wedded to "Intellectualism"... do not possess an active access to their faculty of Intuition (which is an aspect of one's Soul) and access to one's faculty of Intuition requires a fairly high level of Consciousness of one's Soul... which requires that a person's Soul has COMPLETED A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF KARMA OVER A NUMBER OF LIFETIMES.

And... what I just wrote  cannot be understood by simply reading what I wrote. And the reason for this is this little box: 

Already possessed... How can a person possess something before being intellectually introduced to that something?  Well, to comprehend what the box says... one must already comprehend the meaning of these terms:  Reincarnation, Esoteric, and the fact that the brain is physical and the MIND is not!

In other words...we human beings live multiple lifetimes, and the MIND that is attached to one's Soul remains with one's Soul for as long as that Soul remains in the Creation, and in each life we live, we experience all kinds of events, each of which is held in memory by one's MIND.  So, when we seem to "learn" something new... we are in fact simply ready to awaken to the TRUTH of what the MIND has held as memory of an event we previously experienced, but failed to fully comprehend the REALITY of what we experienced when that event took place.

And to "Complete" a bit of Karma means that one's Soul was able to take full responsibility for all the negativity associated with a particular bit of Karma that occurred to one in either this lifetime, or some previous lifetime.  If you have not previously read in my writing the fact that every action a person takes  in any of one's lifetimes... [involving another person, or persons] creates Karma...  And the Completion of that Karma both releases us from that Karma, and at the same time that Karma is converted into KNOWLEDGE OR WISDOM!   Once a person creates an act of Karma, in this or some earlier lifetime... that bit of Karma will come back to that Soul in various lifetimes... or until that person is able to Accept full responsibility for that bit of Karma , and is able to  entirely FORGIVE everyone involved in that bit of Karma.  In other words, it is quite difficult to "Complete" a bit of Karma once that bit of Karma has been created... because it is the role of one's MIND to prevent one from becoming aware of one's previous lifetimes.   Or, in the West, to even become aware of the Law of Karma is difficult.  THIS IS THE REASON WE NEED TO IMPROVE help people more fully comprehend [and appreciate] the purpose of LIFE.

And the reason it is difficult to "Complete" a bit of Karma is due to the fact that one's MIND presents that bit of Karma in such a way that one does not "see" that he or she was the person who created that bit of Karma in the first place.  It appears to me fairly obvious that one reason for the Law of Karma is to help we Souls "learn" the lessons that every act of Karma one creates  in the Creation automatically "Creates" an opportunity to "learn" various "emotional" lessons on this Earth plane of existence.  This is how we grow and learn as human beings,  in other words.   Fascinating... is it not?

So an "Intuitive-MIND-Associate" would be a Soul that is an older Soul in terms of having lived many lifetimes as a human being... and we know this because every Soul must learn about life in the same way.  This is the ONLY way in which we Souls can "learn" about the Creation, and what we must do to "Complete" bits of Karma we have created. Most people have no idea just how complex and difficult it is to become wise, honest, and Spiritual... while the rest of humanity believes that we only have one life to live!

How does a Soul learn the lessons of life that enable that Soul to eventually live a lifetime as a Mystic, or a priest, or a King, or a great philosopher?   That Soul must have "Completed" a great deal of Karma.  To create Karma we must use our Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And to get that Spiritual Energy, or NSgy back... we must  FORGIVE ourselves and others involved in a bit of Karma,  and ourselves for creating it in the first place.  Our Karma is part of the Illusion and everything in the Illusion is part of the Illusion, and not REAL. What seems Real in the Illusion to us is what we can see and "think" about.   Souls in the Illusion that can awaken to the Reality of Life are quite rare.  And... what is really important to Man is what is happening "within" oneself!  In other words, how Enlightened has your Soul become?   Remember...

Hopefully this introduction to Karma and how we Souls are involved in exploring the Law of Karma will be helpful to the reader, and will help to explain the reason some Souls are "naturally" more Enlightened than other Souls.  And only those Souls who have Completed a substantial amount of Karma will find themselves blessed with an active faculty of "Intuition".... which is an aspect of one's Soul.

If you are an Enlightened Soul, and you possess a natural access to your faculty of Intuition, then consider becoming an Associate in learning more about Intuition,  and the MIND. There is certainly a great need for "Intuitive-MIND-Associates".

Peace, 1 Brother James

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...