Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chapter 2 Let us consider Reincarnation...

 Let me dive into a few of my early childhood memories for just a bit.

But first, Let us consider the MIND.  And we need to consider the MIND because... like it or not, it has become the most important part of a person's life.  Plus the fact that we people in the West know so little about the MIND, even though it jerks us around like a puppet on a string.

Your MIND literally directs what you think, what you feel, and it also can cause you to get angry, upset, sad, and a great many other ways of being... many of which we would not choose to experience if we had a choice?  Most important element of the MIND and it's influence on the brain is that your brain is entirely physical while your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain.  My point?  My point is that to study the MIND, one must do so by using one's faculty of Intuition [which is an aspect of one's Soul].

This illustration shows the four dimensions of Man. [#1] is the physical dimension.  Number [#2 and #3], are the MIND Realms. The Spiritual dimension is [#4]. #2 is the Astral Region of Creation,  and #3 is the Causal Region of Creation.  #4 is the Purely Spiritual Region, which includes your Soul.

So, your MIND can feed thoughts to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and your brain "thinks" these thoughts are generated from within your brain itself.  This is one method by which your MIND controls your brain and its thinking.  I refer to the "thoughts" fed to your brain by your MIND as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".   But to comprehend this [little-known phenomena] whereby Man is composed of four separate simultaneously existing energy realms...  the Whole of Man, one must rely on a well-developed faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul.  An elevated Consciousness in other words.

Another thing the MIND can do is to take something you experience presently and reach inside itself to ring a bell (so to speak) wherein it ties your present experience to some deeply repressed and negative emotional trauma from your early childhood... and the energy of that painful emotion of that repressed trauma is make part of your present experience.  So, you get upset, and perhaps even angry... and both of these emotions are made part of your present experience.  So, you are getting angry... and there is nothing about your present experience to warrant your anger... so, you are stuck feeling angry, and there is nothing to be angry about!  And you perhaps believe that you are just going nuts again.  This also makes you feel bad... and your feeling bad is how your MIND "punishes you" for some bit of past Karma that you are not even aware is stored "Within" you!  Much of the "Whole of oneself" that is stored "within" one's MIND is unknown [and cannot be experienced by] one's physical brain.

And when is the last time you read about these aspects of your MIND?  Never?  Well, I believe an honest answer would most likely be that you have never read about these aspects of your MIND.  In the West [other than psychics, mystics, and enlightened  Souls], we know very little about the MIND, or how it works, or why it does what it does?  And we fail to know these things because psychology is not really about the emotional realm of Man any more.  Psychology has become essentially a study of the brain and behavior [entirely focused on what the physical brain can "think about"]. This means that tens of thousands of "psychologists" are being graduated every year and virtually none of them realize they are not studying PSYCHOLOGY... they are simply studying what others "THINK" psychology might be?   Therefore, the field of what used to be Psychology has been taken over by INTELLECTUALISM,  and is focused upon what intellectuals "think" about... which is what one's physical senses can perceive.   In other words, the emotions of Man are pretty much ignored and the study of Psychology is now limited to thinking.   

In a quote by Richard I. Evans, in his book:  B. F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas,  Produced by E.P. Dutton & Co. in 1968, Evans quoted Skinner as saying:

"A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

In this quote of Skinner, it is clear that Skinner was confined to Intellectualism, and that his level of Consciousness was evidence of a well-developed brain, and a severe lack of Enlightenment.  In other words, Skinner was lacking in Intuition,  and had precious little Knowledge of the Esoteric dimensions of Man.  His saying "...the child of our past is stilled contained within us..." clearly tells us that Skinner knew nothing regarding the MIND, and how it is structured in Man, or how it works, or why it works in the way it does?  This also implies that he was ignorant of the Law of Karma, and thus unaware that the Law of Karma operates the MIND, or that this Law of Karma applies to every living organism in the Creation... even to people like Skinner.

Sadly, the West tends to discount the "Wisdom" of the East, and this means Western education (which stresses Intellectualism)  tends to ignore  the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  Therefore, we in the West know very little about the MIND, the Law of Karma,  or the many Esoteric elements operating simultaneously "Within" Man... the fact is, these cannot be known intellectually or by use of the brain.  This means that we are most unlikely to make a connection between some present event that is happening to us.... and some lifetime in which we engaged in doing the same thing to someone else!  The memory of that  event we engaged in  long ago is not part of our memory this lifetime... did I mention that every living thing in Creation is subject to Reincarnation?  The MIND attached to one's Soul does remember everything from every lifetime we live.  But, one's brain is  entirely new to your present body.  And, again, your brain is physical, and your MIND is not physical, but is composed of two energy realms [both of which are invisible to one's brain],... but the Karmic pain we caused another to experience is stored "Within" one's own MIND.  And when the time is right. one's MIND will manufacture (or participate in) an event that will cause us to experience the same pain as we once caused another person... remember,  most of one's life is one's MIND engaging in one's fate Karma in which we are enabled to "experience" in this lifetime what we caused others to experience in our past lifetimes.   Remember...  "As you sow, so shall you reap".

How then does the MIND set you up to experience the pain associated with some particular bit of Karma that you engaged in against another person in another lifetime?  Well, each Soul has a MIND attached to itself.  But each MIND attached to  each Soul  is also part of a much larger MIND realm in which all our individual MINDs are collectively attached, and when the time is right for us to  experience the pain we caused by our action long ago... someone who "owes" us a bit of Karma will be caused to engage in the exact same action, thus causing us to feel the pain of our own previous action.

And the Law of Karma makes no mistakes.  And the Law of Karma is an Absolute Law.

Reincarnation is the method by which each Soul is exploring and  experiencing the Creation.  And in the process each of us is slowly growing in experience.  When is a Soul "ready" to "graduate" from the school of Creation?  That depends [Mystics tell us] upon each Soul and whether or not a Soul is tired of experiencing what the Creation has to offer?

How about yourself?  Are you excited to try this or that, or to do this or that?  How about making a lot of money?  Or how about achieving something that brings great praise to yourself?  Or what distant lands do you want to explore?  In other words, how many elements of the Creation do you want to experience?  This Creation is where Kal [an Eastern name for the negative ruler of Creation] seeks to involved we Souls in all kinds of Karma, which then binds us to the Creation.  And most Souls have a great deal of Karma that binds them to Reincarnation.

Peace, 1Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...