This is the symbol for Yin-Yang, or male and female energies. It is also the symbol for the basic duality of life. That is, good and evil, right and wrong, etc.
The law of Karma is this: "As you sow, so shall you reap". That is, when you engage in any action, that exact same action will find its way back to you.... when you least expect it, and in some lifetime. What makes this such a powerful thing is that the Law of Karma follows one's Soul and is administered by one's MIND [which is attached to every Soul]. And one's Soul [with MIND attached] is not subject to death. When a person dies, the only impact that has on one's Soul is that it finds itself in the Astral Region, in its Astral body, and it is heading for either some Heaven [if one was especially good in life], or to some Hell [if one was a negative person]. And one's MIND, being attached to one's Soul, follows one's Soul. So, one's MIND is growing in attachments to one's Karmic activity for every lifetime one has. And all one's Karma continues with one's MIND-Soul from lifetime to lifetime. One's pile of Karma is slowly adding up in other words.
So, the Soul is immortal and it does not die. And in the East, they speak of the "Wheel of eighty-four". That stands for 8,400,000 different species into which we Souls can incarnate. I did not specifically state that all Souls live many lifetimes, but they do. And life is very much like school. That is, every Soul begins at the bottom [so to speak], and then slowly rises as it experiences one lifetime after another. By the time a Soul is born as a human being, it has lived as many different kinds of creatures.
Next time you eat a carrot, what enabled that carrot to sprout and grow is the Soul "Within" that carrot. Every living thing has a Soul. It is the Soul of a living element that gives that element "life". And so each of us is slowly working our way up the ladder of evolution from one lifetime to another, and if one is a human being in this lifetime... then one needs to be most appreciative. Because it is fairly easy for a Soul to slip backwards into a lower species... if one acted like an animal in one's last lifetime?
What does all of this mean in terms of who one is in this lifetime? Well, each of us is acting out a host of different Karmic obligations and it is one's past Karma that determines one's personality, nature, and way of being in this lifetime. But in addition to one's own Karma playing a part in one's personality, one also "takes-on" a host of "misperceptions" from the MIND of each parent... both as reinforcement of one's own Karma, and as subtle "belief systems" of one's parents for this lifetime.
The term "misperceptions" is my term for deep-seated belief systems that the MIND of a baby takes-on from one or both parents as part of the general personality structure [which means several levels of non-conscious elements held in the MIND of a child]. And these deeply held misperceptions can be used by the MIND anytime they are needed by the MIND of a person. And non-conscious does not mean these deeply-held "misperceptions" are not available for the MIND to use, it just means that we are not aware of these deeply-held elements. And if they are used to influence some action a person takes, regardless at what age they are used, if they "fit" a part of that person's Karma, then they easily become a "habit pattern" for that person. And once "set," they are quite difficult to change.
My point here is that the basic personality structure of a person can include any number of elements, many of which are fully unknown to that person because they are part of the non-conscious operations of that person's MIND. And the only way to alter these habit patterns is via very competent psychotherapy... if a person can find a competent psychotherapist... and the person is "ready" to awaken to these deeply buried "misperceptions"? Freud and Perls were both on the right track in their work, but the influence of people like Skinner, whose approach was that of Intellectualism [or limited to use of the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking] pretty much sank the potential of the work of both Freud and Perls. Modern mental health is sadly and overwhelmingly that of Intellectualism... or limited to use of the brain and thinking... and denial of emotion. This situation goes unnoticed because Western education emphasizes the brain and thinking... as opposed to empathy and Intuition.
Intellectualism intentionally ignores and avoids emotional energy... and the energy of the MIND is what? You guessed is an emotional-level energy that the brain cannot perceive. To deal with the subtle elements of the MIND a person has to make use of his or her faculty of Intuition - which is a faculty of one's Soul. And Intuition is simply not part of modern education.
Peace, 1 Bother James
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