Friday, April 19, 2024



I believe the  essential reason there is good and evil on this physical plane is that this physical plane is composed of Yin and Yang, or duality.  And since the Whole Human Being  [WHB] is composed of both physical matter (obviously tangible) and etherial matter  (invisible to our physical senses), the duality of this physical plane is unavoidable.

So, this is the reason for good and evil [a duality] in the Creation... essential term "Creation," which means it was Created, and this then means that if it was Created... it then is naturally subject to being uncreated,   or dissolved.  This also means that the Creation is both artificial [not real in an absolute sense], and thus subject to dissolution... which the mystics tell us has occurred numerous times in history.

Some years ago, I Intuited the concept of "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  That is, the concept of "Neutrality"came to me relative to the Energy of one's Soul.  As I pondered what the concept of Neutrality might mean, relative to the Soul, the notion that God was COMPOSED OF NEUTRAL SPIRITUAL ENERGY, or "NSgy" for short... and this then seemed to  answer a number of questions I had regarding the reason Man had not discovered the Soul, or God?  NSgy is simply invisible to the physical senses of Man, and Man (at least Western Man) relies almost entirely on the brain and thinking as a primary means of discussion, debate, discovery, and research.  Well, the fact is that the physical brain  cannot perceive the normally invisible realms that make-up the Whole Human Being.  That is, the Astral and Causal realms of the MIND,  and the Pure Spiritual Realm of the Soul of Man.

So, here we are, Mankind, composed of multiple realms, each with its own range of vibrations, and the only realm we can see and think about using our brains is the physical realm.  Is this then the reason that Man has been so unsuccessful in discovering the Soul of Man, and the Spiritual Realm of Man, and the MIND of Man?  I believe it is.  Now, is this situation a natural aspect of this Creation?  I suspect it is, but I have not made a great deal of progress in my pursuit of the answers to my  own questions.

But Eastern Mystics suggest that my suspicion is correct, and that all great Mystics  throughout history have suggested this is the very problem that locks we Souls into being unable to escape the problem of Reincarnation of the Soul on Earth.  Reincarnation, remember, means that when the body in which one's Soul (with MIND attached ) resides dies, the physical body dies, but the Soul and MIND simply awaken in an Astral body in the Astral Realm of Creation.  And one's Astral body is then escorted to some Heaven [for R&R] or some Hell (for "education").  And following this, one's Soul and MIND are born again into one of 8,400,000 different species of life-forms which inhabit Earth.  The choice of the body [and one's fate generally]  depends upon one's Karma generated in one's past life or lives.  This of course applies to every Soul, since all Souls are subject to the Law of Karma.

And why are we in the West not more aware of all of this?  Well, because all of it takes place on realms which are entirely invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  There are tons of books speaking to this written by Mystics from various nations, but likely due to the resistance of Christianity... most of this Mystical literature has been banned, or just ignored.

So, the above is my little contribution to humanity.  A humble contribution to be sure, but it is what I have discovered thus far via my own efforts... which I readily admit have been less than something to be praised.  And I ask God for forgiveness... virtually every day.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...