Wednesday, April 17, 2024

INTUITION VS intellect, brain, or thinking...

Let us begin with a definition of the term "Intuition".

 intuition /ĭn″too͞-ĭsh′ən, -tyoo͞-/


  1. The faculty of knowing or understanding something without reasoning or proof. synonymreason.
    Similar: reason
  2. An impression or insight gained by the use of this faculty.
  3. A looking after; a regard to.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

Does the above definition really explain what the term "Intuition" stands for?  Having read this  definition do you now know what the word Intuition means?  Or, do you "think" you might know?
The reason this definition fails to provide us an understanding of what the word "Intuition" means is that the  person providing the definition likely has no personal knowledge of what "Intuition"  is?   Many writers of definitions are given to the Western education that results in Intellectualism, or use of the brain and thinking "ABOUT" things... while denying, ignoring, and avoiding the emotional energy of the MIND entirely.
In my opinion, Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul, and if it is active "Within" a person, that person tends to KNOW various concepts that are True, but what he or she KNOWS cannot be known nor proven by, nor conveyed by the use of words that the brain can process.  The brain is a physical plane instrument... essentially.
So, if you Know something via your faculty of Intuition, you Know "it"  as "direct perception" of a concept of Truth that your Consciousness has awakened to from "Within" Knowledge possessed by your Soul.  In other words, your faculty of Intuition has provided your Conscious Awareness with an element of Truth, that exists in Reality, but can only be Known by your "Conscious Awareness"... which is the language of  your Soul.
And recall the sketch of the Whole Human Being:  

Your brain is part of #1, which is your physical realm, which is what we use to think about things that exist in the physical plane of  existence.
Your Intuition is a part of #4, which is your Soul.  And #4 is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.  Your faculty of Intuition is an exception that uses an invisible element of communication.

If you possess access to some level of Intuition, and from time to time you awaken to bits of Truth as a consequence of your faculty of Intuition, what this means is that you possess bits of Knowledge... which means that at some point in some lifetime, you have completed the work on the physical plane that resulted in you "Completing bits of Karma" ... which means that you successfully experienced the YIN and YANG of various experiences that has provided you with Knowledge of both the Yin, and the Yang of these various events... and your Soul now KNOWS bits of Truth that  your "completion" of these various event  of  Karma provided Your Soul!  In other words, your Soul now possesses  experiential bits of Truth.  And your "Intuition" is evidence of your Soul having acquired this Knowledge.  And what that tells us is that your level of Consciousness is active and present "Within" your Soul relative to possessing these various types of experience.  This is, in fact, one purpose of life.

And this bit of "Intuition" provides one with a burst of "insight" relative to something one is involved in, or will be involved in shortly... and one can either make use of this "insight" or ignore it.  One's choice quite often depends upon whether or not one is "open" to a strong belief in God,  an appreciation for Truth,  and is humble enough to be thankful for the "insight"?

Peace, 1 Brother James

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