But , believe it or not... the strange thing is that this blog is based on a Reality that everyone is living... even though hardly anyone is aware of what is going on "back stage" of what appears to be one's "normal" life.
And believe it or not, my story is what everyone is duplicating with his or her own lifetime. And... I hope you enjoy this rambling climb through a jungle of history laid out as clearly as I can render it. Again, hard to believe, but true.
On May 16, 2024, I will become 90 years of age. And although not everyone reaches the age of 90, very few of them have awakened to the reality of having lived a number of lifetimes. And I would not have paid "special" attention to my own life [or "lives"] had it not been for a psychic sharing her insight with me some forty years ago. And this will be explained in one or more of several blogs in this series... which is my substitute for a single book. Again, I am 90, so my time is no doubt a bit limited... so I will use a series of blogs to present a blog-book, so to speak.
So, welcome to an introduction to the Mystical, Esoteric, and for a Western audience... a rambling series of blogs attempting to explain how "Life" actually works on this physical plane of existence.
Peace, 1 Brother James
By the way, this is a picture of the brain
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