Monday, April 29, 2024

WHEN DOES A CHILD'S BRAIN BEGIN TO FUNCTION ? Or...does a young child use its brain?


  1. That is... how much does a young child use the brain, as opposed to the MIND? 
  2. This theory suggests that children actively construct their understanding of the world and distinct cognitive abilities and ways of thinking characterize these stages. The four main stages are the sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years), the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years), the concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years), and the formal ...
  3. The above suggests that a child's brain develops in "stages".  And this simply makes sense, does it not?  Every physical part of a person must develop and evolve by experience.   What we think of as "Knowledge" comes from experience.  And the brain of a child is NOT THE MIND OF THAT CHILD!  And what I just stated is an Absolute Fact... but this FACT will not likely be found stated in most literature regarding the development of the child.  Imagine that!  The fact that a child has a MIND [which is not the brain of that child] is not even considered by people who are confined to Intellectualism!  This is also an unfortunate problem with modern psychology, which has been taken over by Intellectualism.
  4. What is "Intellectualism"?  It is simply a person whose Left-Hemisphere of the brain is dominating the Right-Hemisphere.... which is the hemisphere that is used by one's faculty of Intuition [which is an aspect of one's Soul... I believe].
  5. And a failure to differentiate the brain and the MIND is where the typical intellectual stumbles and falls into a trap of the MIND that locks a person into not even thinking about the MIND.  And this very common problem is NOT STRESSED (if even known) IN WESTERN EDUCATION.  And this is a point that the typical intellectual [or person given to Intellectualism] inevitably fails to take into consideration... because you can't just think about it.  You have to make use of your faculty of Intuition, which is (I believe) a faculty of one's Soul).
  6. This is also how the MIND keeps people confined to the brain and thinking, which results in a failure  to deal with mental illness [which is always a problem of the MIND--not the brain).  There is simply no way to deal with a mental problem by use of the brain... because a "MENTAL" problem means a problem within one's MIND!  The term "Mental" refers to the MIND (not the brain).  A failure to acknowledge the simple fact that the brain is not the MIND is a failure of modern psychology, and this results in a constantly increasing problem of mental illness in America, and the world, as intellectuals seek to "think" their way to a solution.

  1. The MIND is invisible... let us agree on this point. The energy of the MIND is emotional, and this means it exists as emotional energy.  It is NOT physical.
  3. The point is... the brain of a very young child is not capable of complex thinking such as evaluating a person's character by simply looking at a person.  So, what does the young child use to judge a person's character?  The child uses its faculty of Intuition, which is a faculty of one's Soul.  In other words, the MIND of the child experiences subtle vibrations emanating from a person's MIND...and the child's MIND senses whether or not that person is a threat to it?  People do not know this because modern psychology discounts the idea that the MIND is invisible.  The reason for this is due to people like B.S. Skinner: 
  4. Skinner tells us in this quote of his disbelief for an Invisible MIND.
  5. So, people like Skinner [or people who are confined to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking...], refuse to deal with the concept of the MIND because they cannot intellectually "control" or physically locate the MIND.  And for people who possess an elevated faculty of Intuition who can Intuit aspects of the MIND... well, they are  simply ignored or ridiculed by the "thinkers" in the field of modern psychology.
  6. A bit of an impasse is it not?
  7. Peace, 1 Brother James

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