Friday, May 31, 2024

It is time FOR A NEW FORM OF PSYCHOTHERAPY... Based on Esochology .... This is #1

 What is Esochology?  It refers to a study of the Esoteric dimensions of the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  And, the Whole Human Being (WHB) is much more than just a brain and a physical body.  In fact... but I am jumping ahead of myself.

For a number of years now [dating back to when B.F. Skinner offered his Intellectualism as an alternative to what Freud and Perls had pursued]...  the practice of Psychotherapy has relentlessly morphed into an approach that follows Intellectualism.. or a course designed by people who know nothing about the MIND, and are dedicated to the brain and thinking as the solution to all of Man's problems.

Let us take a look at a form of "thinking" that crippled the field of Psychotherapy so badly:

In this quote of Skinner, Skinner reveals his limited understanding of the Whole Human Being by referring to the MIND of Man as "the child of our past".  This comment was, of course, Skinner's attempt to belittle and  discount the work of Freud, Perls, and others whose level of personal Consciousness enabled them to access  the faculty of Intuition "Within" themselves to Intuit aspects of the MIND subtly operating "Within" the MIND of each patient-client.  No one who is the least bit Enlightened would suggest that belief in the MIND of Man is a "form of animism"!  Many in the field of Psychology today would agree with Skinner's opinion that belief in the MIND is a form of "animism"... but these people are speaking from the Left-Hemisphere of the brain... and their belief is fed to them by "Delusional Thinking" fed to them by the MIND of each.  What most people do not realize is that the MIND protects what it holds deeply repressed "Within" itself [repressed traumata] from being exposed to the Conscious Awareness of the person "Within" whom such traumata is "hidden".

This is the reason it used to take such a long time for a person to be licensed to practice Psychiatry or to operate as a Psychotherapist.  Very few people have a "natural" access to the faculty of Intuition "Within" themselves, and if it is not prominent in a person's personality then that person is simply lacking in Intuition.  Intuition can be encouraged to expand in a person, but that person must already possess some level of Intuition. It cannot be acquired by the brain or by thinking.  And even if it is an active faculty of a person, he or she must be trained to make use of his or her natural faculty of Intuition.  Intuition is a "must have" for anyone interested in becoming a competent Psychotherapist. 

Intuition is a faculty of one's Soul, in that it is normally found in people who possess a rather elevated level of Consciousness.  It is difficult to explain  or describe the faculty of Intuition, except to say it is naturally associated with a person who is identified as possessing a high-level of Consciousness.  A person who has an unusual ability to "sense" what others are feeling, or someone who seems to Intuit (perceive) what another is trying to say even before the person completes his or her statement.  Intuition is an ability to perceive bits of Truth "behind" the words of a person who is trying to convey that bit of  Truth... but does not possess the ability to articulate precisely that bit of Truth itself.

Truth, it has been said,  cannot be found on the Earth.  The reason for this is that Truth is an absolute, and absolutes do not exist in an environment [or in an energy dimension that is constantly changing, like this Earth plane].  Truth, Knowledge, and Reality all exist, however, they ONLY exist in an Energy realm that is itself an absolute,  and it never changes. Where is such a realm?  It is the Pure Spiritual Realm, which does exist, but it remains invisible to all realms that are not Pure Spiritual Energy.  It is the Pure Spiritual Realm in Which God exists, and in which Souls that have worked their way back Home reside... at least that is what Saints and Mystics tell us.

Some years ago I came up with the concept that Pure Spiritual Energy is "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" for short.  I still believe this concept has some merit to it.

Have I helped to explain the value of Intuition as regards people who would be excellent prospects for training as Psychiatrists and Gestalt Psychotherapists?  Since Intuition is likely to be found among people who we would describe as "very Conscious"... it seems reasonable to  make Consciousness a part of the criteria for those seeking to be trained as Psychotherapists.

At one time, prior to Skinner's entry into the field of "psychology," the field Psychotherapy required a person to undergo personal Psychotherapy,  and to be signed off by a licensed Psychiatrist. The reason for this was that Enlightened Psychiatrists Intuitively KNEW that a Psychiatrist, in order to properly treat a patient or client needed to  have a MIND that was as clear of deeply repressed bits of Trauma as possible.  The reason for this is that repressed trauma  within a person's MIND will cause that person to subtly send fear messages to the MIND of the person he or she was attempting to treat.

This is getting rather long, so let us take a break.  And I will pick this up in the next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James [James W. Patterson, Ph.D.]

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...