Saturday, June 1, 2024

  What is a Whole Human Being ?

The reason most people are unaware of the Whole Human Being, or WHB... is that three quarters of the Whole of Man is invisible to the brain of Man.  This is illustrated in the following sketch:  

In the above sketch, #1 represents the physical body with the physical brain. And #2 represents the Lower MIND, and #3 represents the Higher MIND [both of which are invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  This morning, I did another sketch that illustrates the four dimensions or vibrational realms that constitute the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  I hope this sketch helps clarify the Whole of Man... but it may fail to do this?  It is difficult to convey the invisible parts of Man.

The dark purple bar in the upper left-corner of the sketch represents a person's faculty of Intuition, if it is active "Within" a person.  What is Intuition?  It is a subtle form of Conscious Awareness that enables a person to be aware of subtle bits of Truth... that are known by one's Soul.  One's Soul exists "Within" oneself as the Spiritual Realm in Man.  And one's Soul is essentially invisible to oneself... except some people have an active faculty of Intuition, which enables them to subtly perceive or awaken to bits of Truth... although a person may KNOW that bit of Truth, he or she is unable to convey what he or she KNOWS to another person... and isn't this a strange thing?

Many years ago, while teaching at a University in the mid-west, I conducted a class for non-art students who wanted a "taste" of art on their records.  It occurred to me that I would like to try and teach the students what Creativity is, and where it comes from?  So, I put together a curriculum that revolved around reading sections of well-known books, which I purchased at the campus book store.

Now all of this took place in 1972, or 1973.  In any case, a few months before the class I was Initiated into a Spiritual Path, called Sant Mat, or Path of the Saints.  And my Initiation was a most significant event in my life.  It required my becoming a vegetarian, and my giving up alcohol, and it also required me to live a chaste life.  Bottom line is... I underwent a powerful transformation as a consequence of that "Initiation" event... both inside and outside of myself.  That is, I experienced a number of changes in my life, and most of the change took place "Within" myself.

One change that took place was my belief that I could glean from the books I purchased elements of Truth that were not actually articulated in the books themselves.  This would seem to any intelligent college professor a highly suspect thing to imagine oneself doing. 

But the fact is, this is precisely what I did.  I would read a passage in one of the books, and then I would explain subtle bits of Truth the author was attempting to convey in his or her writing, but failed to do so.  Does what I am writing read as an unlikely thing to have happened?  I'm sure it does... however, it is precisely what happened.

The most amazing thing is not that I did this... the amazing thing is that within a very short period of time, many of the students began reporting a very strange thing that was taking place.  One student would awaken to some bit of Truth from "Within" him or herself.... and would seek to tell a friend what he or she had awakened to.... only to find him or herself unable to verbalize the bit of Truth that he or she had awakened to.  However... when meeting the friend, the student would say:  "You know..." and the friend would immediately respond:  "I Know exactly what you mean!"

And indeed, both seemed to recognize [Intuitively] that each had awakened to the exact same bit of Truth.  And yet, neither of them could articulate or verbalize  that bit of Truth !  Oddly, we do not possess intellectual "labels" for bits of Truth... essentially because Truth only exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm of existence... which is invisible to the brain.

And this same incident began to take place among half of the students in that class.  And these students would meet before class, and they would exchange their surprise at awakening to bits of Truth that none of them could verbalize ... although they were themselves absolutely sure they had [Intuitively]  awakened to these bits of Truth "Within" themselves.  These students referred to what they were experiencing as "Knowings".  About half of the students in that class experienced this phenomenon, while the other half had no clue as to what was going on? 

A few years later, after returning to San Diego State University to obtain an MS in Counseling/Psychotherapy... and undergoing my own Gestalt Psychotherapy... I began to realize from "Within" myself what those students in that exploratory class had experienced.  This coincided with my better understanding of my faculty of Intuition as being an aspect of my own level of Consciousness.  That class convinced me that I did not want to teach art, I wanted to help people discover what's going on "Within" themselves, and this prompted me to obtain my MS, then my Ph.D. in Psychology.  And then to spend about 40 years as a Gestalt Psychotherapist.  And now retired, I am still trying to help people discover the Truth from "Within" themselves.

And this ends #2 in this series of blogs.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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