Monday, May 20, 2024


 But... what does "Within Man"  mean... exactly?  I ask this because not everyone knows that the term "Within" refers to the Invisible dimensions of oneself.  That is, invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  But perhaps you are already aware of this?

The "Invisible" parts of Man consist of one's  MIND, one's Soul, and One's Consciousness, and all of these continue to exist when one's physical body dies.  These "invisible dimensions" continue to exist as one's "Astral body,"  which is, of course, invisible to our physical senses.  The Astral Region is the first region just beyond the reach of the physical dimension.

This blog centers on the term INVISIBLE... and it's relationship to the term "Dhunyatmak".

dhunatmak or dhunyatmak Nam The inexpressible primal sound, which cannot be written or spoken or heard with the physical ears; the inner music which can be experienced only by the soul. See also Shabd. dhyan Inner contemplation. A meditation technique taught by saints in which the devotee ...

"Inner contemplation"?

There is a Spiritual Path in India known as "Sant Mat"... or "Path of the Saints".  It is a very old Spiritual practice that many ancient Mystics followed in several parts of the East.  In most recent times, it has been located in a small area of India, in a small village on a railroad line near Beas, India, which is also known as the Punjab.   And my own Spiritual Master was the Head of this Spiritual Movement for a number of years.  The teaching is known as "Sat Nam," which means "True Name".  It is also called "Shabd," Truth, and it is based on Reality... as opposed to Illusion.  Unfortunately, the only way to write about "Sat Nam," or this Spiritual Path... is by using words that Man is familiar with... and these involve the brain and what Man can "think" about.  This is called "Varnatmak sounds," or that which one's physical senses can perceive.

There are two types of phenomena.  One type is called "Varnatmak" ... which can be written and spoken. The other is called Dhunyatmak... and this second type can be known  ONLY by the Energy of one's Soul [and specifically what we call "Intuition"].  Therefore, what Man can perceive and think about is Varnatmak, and  Man can read about, think about, and speak about Varnatmak phenomena... because it is part of the planes of energy that comprise the material Creation.  Or, what we can see and think about by use of the brain and one's physical senses.  But, when we consider Dhunyatmak Energy, well..., it refers to invisible energy planes operating "Within" [and without] Man...  and that usually requires a person to have spent quite some time practicing a "special" kind of Meditation.

A great Book that speaks of this "special Meditation" is entitled "Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson, and it can be found in many libraries. 


This special type of Energy is  Dhunyatmak..., or largely Spiritual Energy.  To awaken to the second type [or Dhunyatmak Energy]... one's Soul must have acquired an elevated level of Consciousness, which we refer to as "Intuition"... which I believe is a faculty of one's Soul that is [somewhat indicative of the status of that person's Soul].  And this special meditation is usually a long process that demands a substantial amount of dedication... which makes  people who are interested in this special form of meditation both unusual, and rare.  Indeed... such people are "naturally" drawn to what this special form of meditation entails and demands of its participants.

More about these two very different forms of Energies and the reason we know so little about them in the West... and in particular in America...  in the next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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