Tuesday, May 28, 2024



THAT IS... Virtually all of your anger is your brain manifesting itself in action your MIND is taking to project emotional energy being stimulated from within itself in response to something you are hearing, seeing, or thinking about taking place outside of yourself.  And quite often this is a "habit" that you would rather not engage in... but  you are unable to not engage in it!

It is a habitual reactive "habitual reaction" to something external to yourself.

And your "habit" is  [in Reality] a deeply repressed trauma that is the actual "causal" for your habitual action, and it is entirely unknown to your intellectual process... thus, your MIND's Attempt at denial of the repressed trauma [the emotional energy of which] it is now projecting as anger, rage, or intense emotion upon some person, place, or event outside yourself... is actually the stimulated energy being generated within your MIND as BLAME... which is focused on some person, place,  or thing outside of yourself.  However ...

Your habitual reactive activity is the way in which your MIND protects itself from your becoming  aware of the deeply repressed trauma hidden  "within" your own MIND.  And if you try and not engage in your "habit"... you will experience an intense anxiety... which  is caused by your MIND.  Remember... your MIND is very powerful!

What is Ego?

Ego is a most complex part of oneself.  And, I mean really complex!  A listing of elements or contributing factors to one's Ego would include "sanscaras" [past Karmas] or bits of memory from your past lifetimes that is stored in your  MIND  (and what we refer to as "personality" or "character" are  included in the phrase:  "Fate Karma").  What is Karma?

This is the Yin-yang symbol.  It stands for male and female energies.  It can also stand for good and evil, which has nothing to do with male and female.  Karma is what we create when we do an action of any kind.  Regarding every action we take, it is automatically good or evil.. and regardless which it is, it binds us to "receiving" the exact same  energy taken against oneself in return... no matter how long it takes to accomplish this return of one's action!  And that is the Law of Karma, the primary Law of Life in the Creation.  And it is an Absolute Law.

Karma is well known in India and in much of the East.  But it is not known in the West, primarily because the Christian religion tends to avoid the term  "Reincarnation"... and the term Reincarnation simply means re-birth.  That is, when a person dies, his or her Soul (with MIND attached) is born again into a new life-form (and the Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life-forms into which a Soul can be born). The number 8,400,000 is referred to in the East as the "Wheel of 84".  From tiny cell to Man.

 The term Karma can be translated in English as "action".  The explanation of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap!"  In other words, every action you take will be taken against you... if not in this very lifetime, then in some future lifetime.  You see, your Soul is immortal.  That is, your Soul cannot die.  And thus, unknown to ourselves, we keep being born; we live, and we die... in a continuous cycle of birth and death.  Every living thing in the Creation has a Soul.  It is the Soul "Within" a living organism that gives that organism "life".  At one point some time ago, I came up with a sketch to try and illustrate the fact that a living organism has  four  simultaneously operating realms which form its whole. This of course applies to the Whole Human Being as well. 

#1 is the physical form, which includes the brain. #2, and #3 represent the MIND, and the energy of the MIND is emotional energy. And #4 is the Spiritual Realm, which includes one's Soul. #1 is limited to "thinking" that #1 is all there is to Man... which is Delusional Thinking.

The Reality is... what we can "think about" is what is contained in #1.  This means that 2,3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.  #4 is Pure Spiritual Energy, or what I refer to as "NSgy" [Neutral Spiritual energy...], or NSgy.  NSgy is what existed prior to the Creation.  In terms of the Creation, the Creation was Created by God, and it was Created. It is not REAL in an absolute sense... and this is difficult for us to accept.  And it is not possible for any of us to use our physical senses to perceive NSgy.  And that is a problem for every human being.  How can Man perceive God...when God is Invisible ?  But one's Soul can perceive God.

Well, the Mystics [at least those who have done so] tell us that through a special "Process"... a part of which includes a special form of meditation... Man can withdraw his "Attention" aspect of Consciousness from it's habit of focusing outside of oneself... and  can withdraw his or her Attention  to begin awakening to the normally invisible realms operating "Within" him or herself.  This is possible with the help of a Perfect Living Master... and the fact this "process" exists is not well known.  What is truly Mystical is the idea that God exists "Within" oneself.

It is the fortunate Soul that is drawn to such a Master.  And again, the process does exist, but as I have said, it is not that well known [at present].  And it also requires an "Initiation" by that Master, and then a lifetime of dedication to daily meditation, study, and struggle against one's MIND.  It also requires one to strive to create as little Karma as possible.  As part of this reduction of one's Karmic footprint, one is required to avoid eating meat, eggs, or anything containing animal elements.  And most people who follow this particular path also eliminate all alcohol and tobacco usage... since these are primarily used by one's MIND as a means of holding one's Soul captive to the physical plane.

Truth is hidden "Within" Man.  Truth is accessible via one's use of Intuition [an aspect of one's Soul], and one's faculty of Intuition is slowly increased as one's Attention elevates itself "Within" oneself by completing and eliminating many different forms of Karma.  Karma uses the Energy of one's own Soul to sustain itself "Within" one's MIND.  In other words, the more Karma that is held "Within" oneself, the less access to one's Spiritual Energy [or NSgy] one has.  To raise one's Consciousness is not an intellectual activity, it is a process of completing one's stored Karma by learning how to ACCEPT what happens to oneself as "due oneself" and thus, one forgives those who participate in what one has to experience in life.  Acceptance and forgiveness are the best means of competing [thus eliminating] one's stored Karma... which automatically clears one's Karmic obligation which returns one's own NSgy back to one's Soul.

The "process" of attempting to embrace the Pure Spirituality of God is no easy matter.  It must include the Accepting of one's "Self" ... as it is slowly pulled from the clutches of one's MIND with the help of one's Master... and one's meditation.   Every inch of progress of one's Soul in reclaiming it's NSgy is  a step in the right direction.  Thank God for His help in this process... for it is His doing!  Left alone, Man would remain lost.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...