Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 But first... What is wrong with psychotherapy now?  Let's begin with a look at the term "Psychotherapy"?

Psychotherapy comes from the Greek term "Psyche," which they defined as "Self, Soul and MIND": [two of which are entirely invisible to one's "Self"].  In the West, the following is considered "psychotherapy":

Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is a variety of treatment techniques that aim to help you identify and change unhealthy emotions, thoughts and behaviors through having conversations with a mental health professional. Psychotherapy can help with several different issues

 Note please:  "(talk therapy)". Talk involves the brain and thinking.  Neither of which gets to the MIND... which is entirely invisible to the brain.  The MIND operates the brain, never the reverse.

Returning to the Greek Self, Soul and MIND.  Self = being self-aware.  Soul = the body of "NSgy" "Within" oneself. MIND = the tool which enables the Soul to relate to the Physical Creation [which is entirely composed of material substance].  In other words, the brain is entirely incapable of perceiving either the Soul or the MIND in Man.  NSgyNeutral Spiritual Energy, or the Pure Spiritual Energy in Man. NSgy is my symbol for the Pure Spirituality of one's Soul, which is Pure NSgy which is, I believe the same Energy as that of God.

So, present "psychotherapy" is pure Intellectualism, or about the brain and thinking.  And that is how people with no personal experience with "proper Gestalt Psychotherapy" can be "licensed" to practice  what is laughingly labeled (talk therapy).    Intellectualism rules psychology today.

The Energy of the MIND is "emotional energy".  And the closest Man comes to identifying emotional energy is when one is warm or cold, or one gets angry, upset, or experiences anxiety.  The MIND operates the brain and NEVER THE REVERSE.  The MIND is entirely invisible to the brain.

What is capable of experiencing the energy of the MIND is one's faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul.  But Intuition is rarely studied in the West... where Intellectualism dominates and tends to (unknowingly) fear the "invisible" dimensions of the Whole Human Being, or WHB.

What would an enlightened Psychotherapy be like?  It would begin with a properly trained Psychotherapist, who has completed a thorough course of Gestalt Psychotherapy, which put him or her in touch with a majority of deeply repressed traumata which had previously been stored "Within" his or her MIND... and via extensive [and emotionally painful catharsis] enabled that person to discover a great deal about his or her MIND, and how it operates.  And the primary benefit would be his or her training would be discovering how to help others achieve the same level of catharsis.

  1. Catharsis is from the Ancient Greek word κάθαρσις, katharsis, meaning "purification" or "cleansing". It is most commonly used today to refer to the purification and purgation of thoughts and emotions by way of expressing them. The desired result is an emotional state of renewal and restoration. [1] [2]

    The above definition touches upon catharsis from an intellectual perspective , but fails to share the MIND-clearing experience achieved by an individual with the removal of deeply repressed traumata and its habit patterns... that had habitually caused an individual substantial pain and suffering!  With a proper course of Gestalt treatment, an individual is able to achieve a rapid rise in  his or her  level of Consciousness.  This is not a universal cure, of course.  But for many people [especially those who are truly tired of their pain and suffering] a proper Gestalt experience is the correct course for them.
    The most important element in a proper Psychotherapy is, of course, the Psychotherapist him or herself.  Those people who are "ready" to discover what is hidden "Within" their MIND realms are few... and  where can they go to be properly treated?  It is increasingly more and more difficult to find properly trained Gestalt Psychotherapists.

    So, the choice is available to us... the question is will the field of psychology [currently ruled by Intellectualism] allow people to choose a proper course of therapy?  And will those in charge of psychology today also allow Gestalt Psychotherapists to properly treat those who are suffering?

    Peace, 1 Brother James  [James W. Patterson, Ph.D... retired Gestalt Psychotherapist].

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

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