Monday, June 10, 2024



  1. Consciousness is the subjective feeling of being, but it is also a mystery that science is trying to unravel. Learn about the different theories of consciousness, how the brain creates it, and why it matters for our understanding of the world.

    The principal error in the above definition is that the brain not only does not "create" Consciousness, it cannot perceive the Energy of Consciousness.

    This definition from "New Scientist" makes the common error most Left-Hemisphere driven people make... which is to ignore that which the physical brain cannot perceive.

    The term "Consciousness" refers to the level of awareness possessed by an individual to the different levels and types of "energy" which combine to form the Whole Human Being, or WHB.

    My little sketch is a visual representation of the WHB:

    In this sketch please note that #1 is the physical body with it's brain.  And #1 is incapable of perceiving #2, #3, and #4 parts of the WHB. #1 is the physical energy of Man.  #2, 3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.

    So, in this little blog when I refer to the "level" of Consciousness of a person, I am referring to the amount of or level of Consciousness that person possesses.  And another way of saying this is to say that the level of Consciousness a person possesses is equivalent to the level of Consciousness [Spirituality] that person's Soul has awakened to.   And... the way in which one's Soul acquires bits of Consciousness [in this case Knowledge] is to complete bits of Karma.  But, what is Karma, right?

    Karma is a Hindi term and it means "action".  And the whole world operates according to and is ruled by the Law of Karma.  A definition of which goes like this:  "As you Sow, so shall you Reap".   And this law is the primary Law of Life. A symbol for Karma is this: 

    This is the Yin-Yang symbol.  It is also the symbol for male and female energies.  It also applies to good and evil.  And what it means is that the whole Creation revolves around the interplay of good and evil.  And... the Creation is all Illusion.  That is, in Reality,  there is  no duality, there is only One.   All else are derived from One.  So, that we view ourselves as different from one another means we are fully caught up in the Illusion that life on Earth is real.

    The more Conscious a person is, the more likely that person is aware that something is amiss with life on Earth... but he or she is unable to precisely explain what that "something" is?

    What's wrong is that we are visitors on Earth, it is not our Home.  And Man's greatest challenge is to discover who and what Man is, and what Man needs to do to return Home?

    Peace, 1 Brother James

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