Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 After some fifty years engaged in daily meditation, and research of the Esoteric elements of the Whole Human Being [WHB], ... both outside of myself and "Within" myself... I have a most unusual discovery I wish to share with anyone reading this blog.

Let us begin with the term:  "DHUNYATMAK".

  1. dhunatmak or dhunyatmak Nam The inexpressible primal sound, which cannot be written or spoken or heard with the ...[quote does not explain this]... who believes in a living Murshid (Guru) and leads a holy life. The term is now being used to denote any holy man among the Muslims. Sukshm Sarup Subtle form; astral body. Sukshm Shahrir Same as Sukshm Sarup. Sultan-ul ...

    The above definition suggests what the term "dhunyatmak" means.  That is, the term refers to Spiritual Energy, which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy,' or "NSgy" for short.   When we are told by Mystics that God exists "Within" each of us... they are speaking of The Father of all Souls, which is God.  And one's own Soul is also composed of the same NSgy,  because all Souls are aspects of God.  Why are we not more aware of this fact?  Because no part of one's material organism can perceive NSgy.  What can perceive NSgy is one's faculty of Intuition   (which is a faculty of one's Soul)... if one's level of Consciousness is sufficiently elevated to enable one to experience one's faculty of  Intuition?  The term for such a person is "Enlightened".  And Enlightenment means that one's level of Consciousness has worked its way up an Invisible Ladder hidden "Within" oneself, which is traveled by many years of specialized Meditation, guided by a Perfect Living Master.  This is well-known among those people who have been "Initiated" into a Spiritual Path.  It is not known well in the West.
    So, the essential reason most people have no idea what the Soul is... is that it is invisible to oneself, unless one has made substantial progress in one's Meditation.  And this progress is a very personal process, primarily between one's Soul and God [working through a Perfect Living Master, not unlike what Jesus Christ was].
    The "peculiar situation"?  I am speaking of the fact that each of us has a Soul "trapped" in a physical body that has entirely forgotten who and what it is, and where it came from?  And this applies to every Soul, regardless of who one is, or whose one's parent's were!

    This little sketch illustrates what I am talking about... sort of...

    Man is #1: With a physical body and a physical brain... with a Lower MIND,  a Higher MIND, and a Soul, and #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to #1.  Again, it is one's faculty of Intuition [which is part of one's Soul] that, when it is Enlightened somewhat, it subtly awakens to aspects of the Spirituality hidden "Within" oneself.

    Quite a bit of unknown for each of us to eventually awaken to. And... difficult to awaken to because the "unknown" [Pure Spiritual Energy] is invisible to one's brain.
    Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...