Wednesday, June 5, 2024



How many people do you suppose know what I am asking?  Or why I am asking this question?

 The reason I am asking this questilon is that Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth, and  every living thing on Earth has a Soul.   And this ranges from the smallest individual cell, to Man (which is the highest form we Souls can experience).  The Soul [which every living thing possesses] can incarnate into any of the forms that constitute the 8,400,000 forms on Earth. So, why do we human beings [especially in the West] not know this?  This process is called "Reincarnation":  And we Souls have been doing this since the Earth was capable of supporting life forms.

Were you aware of the term "Reincarnation" ?  If not, why not?   The reason, at least in the West, is that the primary religion of the West is Christianity... and  Christianity does not teach Reincarnation.  How Come?  Because all scripture is composed of language, and language is possible for human beings to speak, write, and to think about... because it is a natural feature of the brain of Man.  But no language can convey Truth.... that is, convey the Reality of Truth, because the Energy of Truth is a special kind of Energy that the brain and physical senses of Man cannot "think" about.  That is, Truth does exist, but it exists in a dimension that is not part of the Creation, of which the Earth is a part.  The Creation is composed of "material energy" that is an energy that is not Real in an absolute sense.  The Creation is an Illusion that our brains are convinced is real... because we can see it, touch it, and when we bump into it, we feel it.  So, Reality does exist, but our physical senses are part of the Creation, not a part of the Pure Spiritual Realm, which  Man, using the brain, cannot perceive.  This is why we have been unable to find the Soul, Reality, or God.

There are a great many things about "Life" that we do not "know".  The fact is, the only Souls that KNOW the Pure Spiritual Realm  are great Saints and Mystics that have themselves been assisted to retrace their entry into the Creation by God Himself.  This was part of the initial process of the Creation, and that took place a  very long time ago.  And this form of assisting Souls to  find their way back Home was established by God, and it has not changed since first established.

The Creation operates and is overseen by the Law of Karma. And at the death of every living thing the Soul [and the MIND attached to that Soul] automatically transfer to the Astral Region of Creation,  where it is evaluated relative to the Karma [which means actions] that it engaged in during that lifetime.  And it is this Karma which forms elements of a Soul's next lifetime, and determins what form of Life that Soul will Reincarnate into?

So, every Soul is born with a "Fate Karma" for it's lifetime.   Including the life of that Soul, and all the experiences that Soul will have to deal with.  And at the proper time, that Soul will die, and will eventually incarnate into its next life-form.  And every living thing has a Soul (with a MIND attached) that enables that Soul [which is never NOT Pure Spiritual Energy... which I refer to as "NSgy"] to engage in its various life-times in the Illusion we refer to as the "Creation".  Very few people realize that what we refer to as the Creation was Created by God, expressly for we Souls to explore, experience, and learn about life... all the while gathering "Wisdom".  We refer to this as "Consciousness".

NSgy stands for Neutral Spiritual Energy, or Pure Spiritual that of God.  The fact that one's Soul is not really a part of the Creation...  is the reason we are unable to find the Soul of Man. We are here, that is in the Creation.. because we "think" that we are part of the Creation.

Just a quick  blog for today.  Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...