Tuesday, June 4, 2024



  1. An illusion is a false idea or belief, or something that is not really what it seems to be. Learn more about the meaning, usage and translations of illusion in different languages.
    And most definitions will read very much like the one above.  What's wrong with this definition is that the person who wrote this definition believes that the term  Illusion is "a false idea or belief".  That is, although Mystics tell us that God exists, are we to believe that the idea of God is a false idea because we cannot see God with our physical eyes?  And what about the Soul?

    Or... is it possible that there are energy dimensions in existence that are quite Real, but that these Energy dimensions exist beyond the ability of Man to perceive these energy dimensions because they exist as ENERGY DIMENSIONS THAT ARE ENTIRELY Invisible to the range of energy the physical resources of Man can perceive.  The physical energy of Man, including all the senses of  Man... are fully capable of perceiving the tangible physical energy of Creation.  That is, the material existence of Creation.
    However... the physical senses of Man are INCAPABLE of perceiving the ENERGIES OF THE MIND, or THE ENERGY OF THE SOUL ... because neither the MIND nor the SOUL is part of Creation.  You see, the Creation was created... and as such, it is not Real in an absolute sense.  The Creation is an Illusion, and is therefore not Real in an absolute sense... although we "think" it is real because it is tangible, just like we human beings.   Our bodies are part of the Creation, and the ONLY part of oneself that is Real, is one's Soul.  Even one's MIND is alien to one's Soul.  The Soul required the MIND to enable the Soul to relate to the physical body and the material Creation.  So, the MIND is composed of two Energy realms, neither of which is physical.  And over many ages, the MIND develops a habit of controlling the brain and what it thinks.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking".
    Let us use my sketch to illustrate what I am writing about:
    The lower MIND (#2) is composed of Astral Plane energy, and the Higher MIND (#3) is composed of Causal Plane energy [neither of which is physical]. The part of Man that is capable of relating to the MIND is what we call "Intuition" [which, I believe, is an aspect of one's Soul... related to one's Attention].
    So, when the field of Psychology decided to begin ignoring the MIND  of Man [as an active part of the field of Psychology]  the field ceased being a viable tool in the primary treatment of the MIND of Man and "mental illness".  This was at the urging of B.F. Skinner, and other intellectuals by  the way.  An example is this quote of Skinner by Richard I. Evans.

     Skinner, along with many in Psychology at the time  were attempting to impose Intellectualism on  the field of psychology including denial of emotions. This is mirrored in Skinner's disdain for the study of the MIND... which he spoke of as "the child of our past". Skinner, and those who depend entirely on the brain and thinking have pretty much destroyed Psychology. This is "Behaviorism" at its best.

    Quite unknown to those who are dominated by the Left-brain and thinking, their penchant for the brain and thinking is due to a non-conscious fear of the [mostly Invisible] emotional energy of the MIND.  And they are simply responding to the demands of the Fate Karma they came into this life to experience... which is centered in the emotions... which Intellectualism seeks to ignore.

    So, in essence it is the unusual individual whose elevated level of Consciousness enables him or her to rise above the "normal" fears and prejudices that we human beings find ourselves subject to, and intellectually unable to overcome.  The wise are humble, and view the pain and suffering of the world with great compassion... with a tendency to be quite forgiving.
    The Lower MIND is composed of the Energy of the Astral Region of Creation, and what we know of such energies is... we call them "emotions," and those  vibrations are beyond the capability the  physical senses of Man to control?   We cannot "think" our habits away, nor can we seem to intellectually control them. And... telescopes are useless in the search for these Invisible Energy Dimensions because... what does Man use to see through these telescopes?  Man uses his physical eyes, correct?  And my point is that the Energies of these "Invisible" realms most certainly do  exist, but one's intellect is unable to deal with them.  The Energy of these realms is entirely separate from our ability to control them.

    Is it at all possible that an Illusion is not a "false idea or belief"?   But is rather something that exists in a dimension of Existence that is beyond the ability  of our physical senses to perceive?  Is it possible that an "Illusion" could  appear real, but that the only source of Reality of what we perceive lies in an action in which we took part in the past?  Oddly, this is Reality.
    And what we are all now engaged in is a replay of events from previous lifetimes as monitored by the Law of Karma?   And it s one's MIND that causes one to treat life as though it is only now occurring?  In other words, Shakespeare was correct... we are all players on the stage of Life!  And Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory.
    Is it not fascinating that what we "think" of as an Illusion is a Reality we are unable to perceive by use of our physical senses?  Because our physical senses are not Real... in an absolute sense?  It is one's Soul that is immortal, not one's physical body.  And God is "Within" each of us... only we are unable to get inside ourselves to awaken to Him.  And that is a topic for another blog, isn't it?

    Peace, 1 Brother James

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