Sunday, July 14, 2024


 This blog is likely the last change in format for this blog.  And, it has only taken 89 years to reach this point in what I do to fulfill my own part in the GRAND HALLUCINATION that this blog series will attempt to discuss with readers.

From Webster's New Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus we get:


    1. False perception with a characteristically compelling sense of the reality of objects or events perceived in the absence of relevant adequate stimuli.

    2. The complex of material so perceived.

    3. Any false or mistaken idea: delusion [Latin hallucinari, to wander in mind.]

.............. A good question to ask ourselves is this:  If Reality is only found in the Pure Spiritual Realm, and to look for this Reality we have at our disposal our physical senses... how likely is it that we will find Reality by use of our brain and thinking?

The fact is... the only parts of Man's hallucination that are Real are references to God, the Soul, and allusions to the existence of a realm of Pure Spirituality that exists, but is invisible to Man's physical senses.   Can you name a group of people who do not speculate on what life is, or what the purpose of life is?  Well, actually there is only one type person who does not speculate on God or things Spiritual, and that is the atheist.  That is, those people who do not believe in God.  And the reason these people do not believe in God or things Spiritual is that they lack a sufficient level of Consciousness to "Intuit" the invisible aspects of existence.  You see [or perhaps you have not read that...] not every person you meet has been a person before.  I'm speaking of the fact that one's Soul is immortal, and at death the Soul finds itself in the Astral region of existence, where it either gets a vacation from life, or it goes to [reform] school for a period of time to "learn some lessons"... before reincarnating.

Reincarnation is a fact, but it is a fact that many religious people have not [as yet] accepted.  And normally a person has to slowly acquire an "inner" awareness that he or she is something more than simply a human body with a brain.  So, if you believe in God, and that you have a Soul, then you are most likely not a first-time human being.

The term "hallucination" is a fascinating term.  Just think how many people think that by merely wishing one's Soul will be "saved"... this is sufficient to win that person a free ticket to Life eternal in some Heaven.  Perfectly OK to believe this, but it is not correct.  There is ONLY one way for a Soul to return Home to God... and that way is by coming under the guidance of a Perfect Living Master, who "Initiates" one, and then places his [or her] Radiant Form "within" that person as a guide for that person's Soul, which will find that the Path back Home is a long and difficult Path.

So, this is the start of this new blog.  And it will address as many questions as readers might send to me ... at least as many as it is possible for me to answer.  Mind you... I am merely a student of a Master, and what I Know is what my Master, over many years,  has enabled me to discover.

My email address for this blog is:

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...