Saturday, July 13, 2024


The answer is... because Truth is an Absolute, and Absolutes only exist in the Pure Spiritual Realm of existence... which is an Energy body that is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses... and is what I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy", or "NSgy". It exists simultaneously with the physical plane of existence...which is tangible, and subject to change as well as death.

I refer to this Pure Spiritual Dimension of existence as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," and my symbol for it is "NSgy" = Neutral Spiritual Energy.   Why "Neutral"?   It occurred to me that the Energy of God must be Pure Neutral Energy...because God is an Absolute, and does not change.  This physical plane of existence is constantly changing, and is obviously composed of a duality of good and evil,  good and bad, or positive and negative energies.  It is clearly a duality where opposites are constantly at odds with one another... and reality is relative.

So, if Truth exists, as an absolute, it must exist in a plane of existence other than this physical plane.  And why would such a plane be invisible to us?  Well, it is a matter of vibrations and the fact that each realm has its own range of vibrations. 

That is, the various realms are part of Creation... which is absent "NSgy," or put another way,  the Energy of "NSgy" is unique in Existence.   And the Creation was "Created!  So, we should not expect the Creation to be REAL in an Absolute sense.  To illustrate this, I came up with this illustration:

This illustration displays the four separate realms or dimensions which constitute the Whole Human Being, or WHB.  #1 is the physical realm with which we are all familiar.   And #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to #1. So, the majority of who and what Man is... are energy realms which are invisible to one's physical senses.

No wonder then that Man has failed to find the Truth.  It exists in a realm that is quite invisible to one's physical senses [one's brain, in other words].

Is there nothing Man possesses that can enable Man to discover the Truth?  Well, that depends upon how active is one's faculty of "Intuition"?  I believe each Soul has what we refer to as "Intuition"... which [I believe] is a faculty of one's Soul.  It must be akin to what is often spoken of as "Attention," or "Conscious Awareness," or is also the hidden quality of what we refer to as a person who is  "Enlightened".  Enlightenment being "evidence" of a person's heightened level of "Consciousness".

Which raises the question... what is Consciousness?  I believe Consciousness is the natural result of a person whose Soul has been able to "Complete a substantial amount of Karma"!  Which is uniquely something that one's MIND is responsible for creating as it's natural desire to experience the Creation.   The primary role of one's MIND is to facilitate the Soul's experiencing the physical plane of existence.  The fact this creates Karma [which binds one's Soul to Reincarnation, which is a natural cycle of continuous Transmigration [or birth after birth] which is the fate of all Souls. This repetitive cycle is what keeps one's Soul obligated to this physical plane of existence] which fits nicely with the desire of one's MIND is to enjoy itself.

 There is, of course, a limit on this building up one's Karmic debt.  And this limit is called "Fate". In opposition to one's MIND, which is intent upon constantly increasing one's store of Karmic activity, is the reality that a person's life becomes so heavily burdened with one's load of Karma that just living becomes quite difficult... as the Law of Karma takes over one's life... evidence of this is all around us as seen in the suffering of people.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...