Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 In his book,  Light on Saint John, Master Charan Singh wrote, on page 201, the following:

"The Soul is the disciple and the "Word" is the Master."

In most instances, the person reading what Master wrote will "naturally assume" that he or she knows what Master Singh is communicating to readers... because your thinking is largely determined by your MIND [although we are not aware of this] and being unaware of how the MIND operates the brain... much of our thinking is.. us being directed by the MIND to follow our "Fate Karma".  And your Fate Karma is the program you were born with and it is based on what the Law of Karma has determined you "will" experience in this lifetime! And what I just wrote is virtually unknown in the West, but  it is an active part of what many people in the East are taught as children.  That is... your Soul does not die at the time of the death of your body. At the "death" of your body, your Conscious Awareness awakens in your Astral body, and you find that  in your Astral "body" you may be aware of the physical plane... but your Astral body cannot interact with the physical plane.   This situation is rare, and it does not last very long, because you will be escorted to where you are expected in the Astral Region... where you will go thought a "judgement" process were you can evaluate your just completed life.  You can be your own "judge".... so to speak.  And I mention this only because every Soul goes through the same process.  My point?

My point is simply that the "Whole of Life" is vastly different that what we in the West imagine life and death to be.   In other words, the procedure of death is quite different than we we are taught.  The MIND is mostly an agent of the Law of Karma.  And so, the Law of Karma is a very important Reality to address.  If you are in the East?  In the West, the Bible is very much entrenched in the culture, and Reality remains a mystery?  And your MIND serves the Law of Karma, which is the Law of Creation.

This is a picture of the physical brain: Which is what Man thinks with.  It is a physical muscle located in the Skull.


And below is what is known of the MIND by modern psychology: Not much...




The reason the MIND and the Soul are invisible to Man is explained in the following sketch:
Note please that only #1 is physical, and houses the brain. #2 and #3 are two parts of the MIND, and #4 is the Soul, which is Pure Spiritual Energy, which I refer to as "NSgy" which stands for: Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Spiritual Energy of the Soul, which is ALWAYS Pure Spiritual Energy.  In other words, the only part of Man capable of perceiving NSgy is one's Intuition.

And... the only part of Man that can perceive NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is a faculty of one's Soul.   And the way to acquire, or obtain "Intuition" is by spending a very long time in "meditation" which is aimed at helping one's Soul rise above the dominance of one's MIND.

Man is not just a physical body, in other words.  That which gives life to Man [and every living thing on Earth] is a Soul.   And the only part of Man that is Real [in an absolute sense] is the Soul that is hidden "Within" Man, and "Within" every living organism in Creation. 

The Mystics tell us there are 8,400,000 different life forms on Earth.  And if you are a human being, then your Soul has been a great many of these organisms before earning the human status.  So, if at times elements in your life seem strangely familiar to you... the reason is quite likely that you have been engaged in the same situations previously.  And quite often... with the same Souls.

What Master Charan Singh meant by  "The Soul is the disciple and the "Word" is the Master." is that a Perfect Living Master is a physical body masking a Pure Soul...who God has sent into the physical plane to contact and help struggling Souls escape from the trap of the MIND... whose role in each lifetime is to insure that the Soul to which it is attached follows the Fate Karma that is due that Soul by the Law of Karma, which regulates the lives of all living things in the Creation.

Why is this not more widely known?  A good part of the reason the Mystical Message of Reality is not more widely known in the West is that Christ did not write down his messages to Man.  All Christian history, or most of it in any case... was written by his disciples.  And the Pure Mystical Reality of Spirituality is many dimensions beyond what the Illusion of Creation can imagine.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...