Thursday, August 29, 2024


Have you ever asked yourself where your thoughts come from?

 Well, the answer will surprise you!

Contrary to what we "think" and have been told, most of our thoughts are generated by our MINDs, and only then does the MIND feed those thoughts to the brain... in the form of D-Think" or "Delusional Thinking" [Delusional because they are not really based on present events], but are actually based on events that occurred in the past... sometimes many lifetimes ago!  And now I have  probably really confused you?  Remember the term "Reincarnation"?

In my writing I will often be thinking of phenomena that happens to a person that [may have taken place  in another lifetime] but that person is reacting to the current event in the same manner in which he or she reacted to an event in another lifetime.  And the reason for this is that one's MIND is the exact same MIND that the person had in the past, and his or her MIND is driven by the Law of Karma... that is, a primary role of one's MIND is to insure that one's thoughts and actions are associated with the Fate Karma for this lifetime.... because  that is what is responsible for almost everything that happens in this lifetime!  But... at birth... the brain is not aware of the past. at all!  It is only aware of this lifetime.

What I am talking about is the Reality of the Law of Karma, and how it insinuates itself into virtually everything we think and do in this lifetime!   Again, contrary to what we "think".... virtually everything that happens in this lifetime... is a repeat of elements that took place in  other lifetimes.  But the process of Karma is so smooth and precise that our senses rarely pick up any evidence that we are in a cycle of re-living the same events taking place, lifetime after lifetime!  In other words the past is simply being recreated in each lifetime... lifetime after lifetime.  And who do you know who is a student of the Law of Karma, and aware of what is actually  taking place? Such people are quite rare in the West.

And if one is not aware of this taking place... how does one refuse to participate in the duplication and participation of the same bit of Karma  tasking place over and over again?  The Mystics tell us that in every lifetime we create more Karma than we can "pay off, or complete"! And that is the reason we are stuck here on this Earth plane, in the process of Reincarnation., with a pile of Karma.

Question:  Is this whole thing  regarding the Law of Karma and Reincarnation the means by which we Souls  eventually come to possess full Knowledge, or Wisdom?   And at the same time become tired of the "game of life"... so that "Within" us, our Souls cry out for help?  And the Perfect Living Master is sent by God to Initiate such Souls... and help them return Home?

The only people who are speaking out on this are Perfect Living Masters [who are few in number], or Mystics who are only listened to in the East?  Students of Masters are busy trying their best to practice Acceptance and Resisting the temptation to get angry, upset, or condemn the things... and  the people who cause them pain and suffering.  The ONLY WAY to end a bit of Karma is to ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO ONESELF... AND  TO FORGIVE THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE...since it is oneself that originated the bit of Karma... in the first place... who knows when?  And to those Souls who are  living a vegetarian diet, and daily doing their meditation, and  reading books on the mysteries of Spirituality... keep the faith, and pray.  God hears all of us and helps those who are steadfast in their desire to return Home.

One last bit of advice to myself.... and others.  The road Home is a very long road, and difficult to walk. And it is quite common for a  person who is Initiated to "think" at some point in his or her process of going Home that because he or she lives some distance from the Master... he or she can ease back on the struggle of meditation. I did so, and I was wrong.  Initiation means you are your own captain of your vessel of travel, and nothing less than 100% effort will do!  I have corrected myself, and hope you can do the same.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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