Monday, September 2, 2024

REAL... OR NOT REAL? Or, do we know what Reality is?

This morning, I was reading one of my favorite books ([The Path of the Masters], by Julian Johnson),  and I ran into this statement by Dr. Johnson, from Chapter 11, part 2.  

"The name of anything or anyone is the sound symbol which stands for the reality itself.  The name conveys to thought everything which belongs to the reality for which it stands.  ___ Please note Dr. Johnson uses the lower case "n" and "r"  in his use of the terms name, and reality.

And he writes: "conveys to thought" ... which is an interesting way of putting the process of the brain receiving Delusional Thinking from the MIND as "everything which belongs to the reality for which it stands. "  That is...few people stop to question where their thoughts come from?  Which is a real question. When we have thoughts regarding something... where do those thoughts come from?  They come from what we normally refer to as "memory".  And most people "think' that their thoughts and memories are stored in their brains.  And some thoughts are stored in one's brain, however.. most of one's thoughts [especially those we cannot remember],... or do not believe we even know... are not stored in our brains, but these are stored in one's MIND... ans what is the MIND, right?

I did this little sketch some time ago to try and illustrate to people the fact that the MIND is not the brain.  The brain is a special muscle located in the skull.  And it is physical!  Whereas the MIND is not physical, like the physical senses.

The Physical brain

The MIND is an invisible body composed of two different energy bodies: The Lower MIND [No 2] is composed of the Astral Realm, and the Higher MIND [No 3] is composed of the Causal Realm.  And yet, the primary element that oversees the brain and its thinking is one's MIND, which the brain will never see.  Again, three-quarters of the Whole of oneself are invisible to the brain.


WHAT WE CAN THINK ABOUT IS PART OF THE ILLUSION OF LIFE, AND IT IS ALWAYS CHANGING.  It is the nature of the physical dimension of the Creation to change.  So, if it changes, it is not Real in an absolute sense.

How then do we Know what Reality is?  There is a subtle element in Man that we in the West  refer to as "Intuition".  I believe Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul, and how much Intuition one possesses  has to do with one's relative level of Consciousness... which, I believe,  is slowly acquired by a Soul by "completing Karma" [over many lifetime].  And yes, this means Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory.

Peace, 1Brother James

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