Sunday, August 18, 2024

Part Two of The Psychological "Need" to Feel Bad...

 I ended part one [which I just revised, by the way], by saying that the MIND of every child, in early childhood,  takes-on various negative beliefs regarding who and what that child is... at its Core.  And as a consequence of this, most people are unaware that at their Core.... and deeply "repressed," are  a host of negative "beliefs" regarding who and what they are.  And as a consequence of this, when a person does something of merit, or is praised excessively, the MIND of that person finds a way to "Punish" that person... because his or her MIND believes that the person is undeserving of such praise.

Psychologically, what this means is that the person's MIND reacts to praise of the person as a "threat" to the person because that person's MIND [at a fully non-conscious level] fears that who his or her MIND "believes" the person to be might be exposed by so much praise.  In other words, to "balance" the praise from others, that person's MIND will feed Delusional-Thinking to that person's brain that "forces" the person to engage in self-sabotaging behavior.... as a "punishment" for such praise.   The MIND seeks to continually remain the same... so to speak.

Every MIND develops certain negative behaviors that it uses to "punish" a person for doing things that cause that person to receive praise, or to feel good.  This is the real-reason for negative habits people say they would like to quit... but seem unable to do so.  The only way to address such negative habits is via special psychotherapy by an Enlightened Gestalt Psychotherapist... that enables a person to move into his or her MIND realm, and discover the deeply repressed "misperception" taken-on by that person's MIND early in that person's life... if,  the Fate Karma that person was required to experience in this lifetime is "done"?  If the need for that particular behavior is done, in other words? 

All of us dance to the tune of our Fate Karma for this lifetime.  And we will continue to do so as long as a "need" for such behavior remains "Within" us.  But, if the "need" for a particular behavioral habit no longer exists, then a competent Gestalt Psychotherapist can facilitate a person in the discovery of a deeply repressed "Misperception" held "Within" that person's MIND... and evidence of the removal of such a deeply repressed "Misperception" will be substantial deep-grief, and sobbing by the person who has just been set free of that particular "Misperception".

The hard part is finding an enlightened and competent Gestalt Psychotherapist who is Enlightened sufficiently to operate at this level of Consciousness.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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