Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Psychological Reason We "Need" to Feel Bad...

 NOTE:  This blog will involve some fairly Esoteric lessons regarding the MIND of Man, and how it works.  So, it is a bit lengthy... but I hope it is also interesting!

Let us begin with my sketch of the Whole Human Being [WHB].

In this sketch, #1, the Physical dimension, is the only part of the sketch that we can experience by use of the brain and thinking. The other numbers represent dimensions or the WHB that the brain is unable to perceive, and therefore cannot really think about.  This means that 3/4ths of the Whole of Man is invisible to the brain.

Most people are not aware they have a MIND that was attached to each Soul as it entered the Creation, when all Souls entered the Creation when the Creation was capable of sustaining life.  This is a concept that is basic knowledge in many areas of the "East".  In the West, what I just shared with the reader is not part of Western education.

The next point to be emphasized is that the brain is not the MIND.  The brain is a physical muscle located in the Skull, while the MIND is composed of two parts, each of which is invisible to the brain.  The brain, being physical, is capable of perceiving things that are physical, tangible or part of the physical Creation.  The brain does this via the various physical senses we possess.  But the brain cannot "experience" those parts of Man that are not physical, such as the MIND, or one's Soul.

What the brain can do is to "think" about the words, or "abstract terms" we have created to "stand for" or represent elements of existence that are not physical... words or terms such as MIND, Truth, Reality, Spirituality, or God.  Since the brain cannot experience the Energy of the Soul, Spirituality, Truth, or Reality (which are aspects of Spirituality), the brain "thinks" it knows things it cannot actually experience... because it can see the word or term for something, and the MIND feeds the brain what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking," which are thoughts that are fed to the brain by the MIND which cause the brain to "think" it knows these thoughts.

So, although millions of people "think" about God... and believe in God because they can "think" about the term God.  Alas, the brain will never perceive God, nor the Energy of Spirituality because thinking is confined to the material plane of existence. And the reason for this is that God, Truth and Spirituality  ONLY exists  in the Pure Spiritual Realm... which, as I just said, ONLY exists in the Pure Spiritual Realm.  Each realm has its own range of vibrations, and the vibrations of that realm are confined to that realm.

There is, I believe, one exception to this, and that is the term "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul, and it seems to be most prevalent in people who are Enlightened Souls.  And there is an important difference between one's experience of Intuition, and one's experience of one's emotion [which is the energy of one's MIND].  Imagination is (I believe) a subtle operation of one's MIND, which is emotional energy and is a subtle part of what I refer to as Delusional Thinking, or D-Think... based on non-conscious desires of one's MIND.

In other words, when the MIND wants us to "think" certain things, it feeds D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain, and one's brain assumes that it is has somehow come up with a new thought or a new idea.  And one's Ego [one's mostly non-conscious view of oneself], readily accepts these thoughts and basks in a form of self-praise... which subtly leads us to the subject of this particular blog:  

When a child is born, its brain and thinking is barely functional.  However, the MIND of that child is fully aware, and fully operational.  But, that MIND is limited in what it can do  because the brain of the child is brand new, and thus, incapable of carrying out  all the D-think of the MIND of the child.  This is the time when the MIND of that child reaches out to the MIND of one [or both parents if both are present] to begin to structure the personality of that child will adopt for that lifetime.

The MIND of the child, in other words, will be forming the personality and character of that child... based largely on what his or her MIND finds hidden "Within" the MIND of each parent [that "fits" the Fate Karma that Soul came into this lifetime to engage.   And elements of what the child's MIND finds in the MIND of each parent are "used" by the child's MIND to form a non-conscious view of its Self....!  This self-view is often negative, and it is this negative Self-view hidden "Within" the MIND of the child that causes each of us to self-sabotage ourselves when we "enjoy" ourselves too much!  Smoking, over-eating, drinking alcohol, and acting out so as to draw scorn from those around us are most often how we "punish" ourselves for experiencing ourselves positively.

In the field of Psychology, both Freud and Perls were in pursuit of what I am sharing with the reader.  However, both of them were resisted by many in the field whose levels of Consciousness were not capable of a high-level of Intuition [or access to their own Spiritual Realms].  And anyone, in any field, whose primary "way of being" is "Intellectualism," is prevented by his or her attachment to Intellectualism and his or her MIND  from holding any interest in the Realm of Spirituality.  That is, in seeking Truth via Spirituality.

Let us end  part one of this blog with this definition:

Intellectualize:  1. To make rational.  2. To avoid emotional insight into (an emotional problem) by performing an intellectual analysis.

Note how this definition simply ignores the MIND entirely.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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