Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Reason for "Secrecy" in the practice of Spirituality

 "Secrecy" in the practice of Spirituality is actually BUILT-INTO the "SYSTEM" itself, so to speak!

What do I mean?   I mean the very structure of Man... precludes the normal human being from properly practicing a search for Spirituality... because Spirituality is INVISIBLE to the vast majority of human beings on Earth.  And, have you by an chance run across this statement before?

I suspect you have not considered this aspect of Spirituality before?   Come to think about it, I don't believe I have seen the term "invisible" used in reference to Spirituality, other than in my own writing.

The reason Man has not found the Soul of Man is that the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy.  And how much do you "know" about that which is Invisible?  That is, things like the Soul, Spiritual Energy, Truth, and God?  Not much, right?  And the reason for this  is that all of these names "stand for" phenomena that is Invisible to our physical senses.  In other words, you can know all the abstract names for everything that is invisible to Man... and knowing all these names will not provide you the actual "experience" of what these names "stand for"?  You might read the last sentence a couple times?

Christ is quoted in the Bible as referring to the "Word," "Spirit," "Holy Spirit," and other terms.  But none of these terms can convey to the normal human being what these terms actually mean?  How come?  Simply because there is only one Reality, which is Spiritual Energy, which we call God.

The PRIMARY reason for this is that these many terms are all "abstract terms" created to "stand for" phenomena whose "existence" resides in realms which are not part of what the physical senses of Man can perceive. The term "invisible" refers to that which the physical senses of Man cannot perceive.

You see... there is Reality, which I refer to as "NSgy," or Neutral Spiritual Energy,  or God,  and each Soul is an aspect of NSgy, or God.  And there are other energy realms that consist of "stepped-down" vibrational energy realms that we refer to as the MIND, and the Astral Region, and these stepped-down energy realms exist "Within" Man... and outside of Man.  But the only realm our physical senses can perceive is the physical realm, in which our physical bodies live.  And we "think" and have been taught that all of what we can perceive is all the reality we need to be concerned about.

Well, people who confine themselves to what the brain can perceive are part of what is known as "Intellectualism," which simply refers to people who rely almost entirely on the brain and thinking.

And such people tend to ignore the faculty of "Intuition," which is a part of one's Soul... and since it is not part of the brain, people tend to just ignore the faculty of Intuition.  Sadly, one's Intuition is a most valuable faculty if one is seeking Truth, one's Soul, Reality, or God.

I assume you realize that the Creation that was Created by God is a CREATION!  That is, it was formed by God with an entirely separate existence [or realms], that exist separate from the Reality of God, and the Pure Spiritual Realm... which is "never NOT" Pure Spiritual Energy.  Your Soul is not part of the physical Creation.  Your Soul is PURE SPIRITUAL ENERGY, and you have a MIND that enables your Soul to "imagine" itself as part of the Creation... with the help of your MIND... which pretty much controls your brain and thinking.

And this is part one of this blog.  I hope you find it of interest.

1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...