Wednesday, August 14, 2024

This is an addition to my last blog regarding Spirituality.

 Yesterday afternoon I ran across this passage in a pamphlet  published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas. The pamphlet is entitled:  Sant Mat and the Bible, written by Narain Dass, B.A., C.E.  And it is relevant to what I was attempting to explain yesterday.

On page 60, it states: "In these days of independent enquiry the harassed seeker after Truth gets naturally confused and bewildered when he studies the scriptures of the several current religions and finds in each of them the invitation- "Follow Me."  Christ said --"Leave all and follow me."  In Matthew 11:28-39 we read- "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me."

He then quotes a few other passages to make his point, and then says:  "The question naturally arises, whom is one to follow midst this crowd of invitations -- a very sensible question indeed."  He then says: "In fact, curious as it may appear, they all spoke the truth."

And Narain Dass was correct in his observations and pronouncement.  But what was missing (at least for me) was how does one turn-on the invisible faucet of Spirituality?  Well, he does speak to this later in his writing.  On page 61, he says this:  "In Sant Mat we do not follow any entities dead and gone.... There is ever a Living Master somewhere and "when the Chela is ready, the Guru appears." [The term "Chela" means student, and the term "Guru" refers to an Enlightened Individual Within whom the "Word," "Spirit," or "Spiritual Truth" is active and obtainable by those who are intended to receive it in this lifetime.  But HOW is this accomplished is the question?

And that leads me to the question of the faucet of Spirituality, as suggested in the heading for this blog.

In my blog yesterday, I spoke to the invisibility of Spirituality... and today I wish to try and explain this phenomenon.

Note in this sketch that #1 is the physical dimension of Man. Then "Within" each physical person is a MIND [consisting of two parts, neither of which the brain can perceive], and a Soul, which is the body of Spirituality "Within" every living thing in Creation.  And the only element of Man that can perceive Spirituality [which is invisible] is a part of the Soul [I believe we refer to it as "Intuition"].

Many Saints, and God-realized Souls [Mystics], throughout history were sent into the Earth plane specifically to "Initiate" [or to awaken the Spirituality of certain Souls on Earth].  Jesus referred to such Souls as his "marked sheep".  And once a person is "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master, that Soul will someday make its way back Home to God.  And the reason we know so little about this in the West is that Jesus did not personally write about his [Mystical] purpose on Earth] .  And those who did write about Christ were not themselves fully versed in the full workings of Spirituality.  And...the workings of Spirituality take place on realms that are invisible to the brain of Man.  Thus Christianity is more based on how Man's brain  [intellect] interpreted the Mystical allusions of Christ... than based on the invisible workings of Spirituality... which take place "Within" the  "invisible" Spirituality of Man.

Spirituality is "measured" by a person's level of Consciousness.  And when a person has been "Initiated" by a Perfect Living Master, the "Spiritual Body" of that Master [Holy Spirit, Word, Comforter, Holy Ghost], takes its place "Within" the  Soul of that Initiated individual.  And  from that point on, that person's Soul is engaged in a largely invisible battle with his or her MIND, and that person's challenge is to "learn" how to reduce his or her load of Karma, held "Within" his or her MIND, by slowly increasing his or her ability to take responsibility for all the negative Karma that person faces in life.  The slow and gradual conversion of negative Karma into the virtues of Acceptance, Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness... are the results of that person's largely invisible transformation... as he or she slowly rises in Consciousness.   This is the Way Back Home for every Soul.  Now how does one "think about doing that which is invisible to oneself... except when one is in the midst of each Karmic event?

Reincarnation is not a theory, it is a fact.  Each of us has had numerous lifetimes, but only rarely does a person remember any of these lifetimes...but one's MIND holds all of what one has done, and the task of eliminating all this... is a most difficult, but also rewarding task.  Growing one's Consciousness is a most fascinating path for each Soul... if one can awaken to the Truth?

The road back Home for a Soul is far from easy, and far from simple.  God is Pure Love, and every Soul, in Truth, must rid itself of all the attachments to the Illusion of Life held "Within" his or her MIND.  I hope this is helpful for people.  Patience, by the way is a Virtue.  And God is quite aware of each of His Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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