Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Let us recall the sketch of the Whole of Man:

Note that the MIND has two parts. One is its operation in the Astral body (Lower MIND), and the other is its operation in the Causal body (Higher MIND).  Both parts are invisible to the brain.

This sketch shows the four dimensions of Man.

Every human being has a fully non-conscious "Self-View" contained "within" his or her MIND.  In other words, the only part of oneself that one can "think" about is one's brain... which includes the Delusional Thinking [or D-Think] fed to one's brain by one's MIND. D-Think are thoughts fed to one's brain by one's MIND whose purpose is to keep one's intellectual focus upon fully participating in the Fate Karma one came into this life to fulfill. All of this is thankfully taken cafe of by one's MIND.  In the East, this entire process is called one's "Fate Karma" and children learn about this in school... at least those children whose parents can afford to send their children to school.  In the West, the term Reincarnation is largely denied or just ignored by many sects of Christianity, and thus, it is simply not considered part of a Spiritual Reality that exists beyond thinking.

So, the MIND of the new born child is fully operational at the time of birth.  In contrast to the brain, which is busy growing the child from within the physical body of the child.  And one of the primary things one's MIND does at the time of birth is to make contact with the MIND of each parent [if both parents are present] and to mistake certain deeply repressed bits of trauma hidden within the MIND of each parent as an indication of who and what the child is in this lifetime.  In other words, the child's MIND assumes that what it picks up from the MIND of each parent is them "reacting" to the child.  What the child's MIND is actually doing is gathering emotional data to create a fully non-conscious "Self-View" that the MIND of the child will take-on as the core personality for the child in this lifetime... that is "needed" by the child's MIND  to properly insure that the child will adhere to the Fate Karma for that individual in this lifetime!

At the core of everyone and everything in life is the Law of Karma.  In other words, every life-form in the Creation is born with a Fate Karma for that life-form.  And this applies to every life-form in the Creation.  From the smallest molecule  to Man, every Soul dances to the Fate Karma to which it was born to experience.  And there are no exceptions to this. And there is no way for anyone to "think" him, her, or itself can do otherwise... forget it.

 I refer to what the child's MIND picks up from the MIND of each parent as "traumatic misperceptions". And this creates a new phrase.  But it is a phrase with a very specific meaning. The phrase refers to the deeply repressed and very negative bits of trauma that the MIND of every child takes-on as a "Self-View" of who and what it must be for this lifetime.  This then [at a fully non-conscious level] becomes a belief by the child's MIND that subtly influences the child's personality, and behavior... in keeping with it's Fate Karma for this lifetime.  The Reality of Life is that in the Creation the Law of Karma rules.

What I just described is most likely new to most people... since modern psychology does not deal with the MIND at all... except as something to "think" about.  Alas the MIND is not physical nor tangible, so to try and think about the MIND is a waste of time. The only way to awaken to one's MIND is via use of one's faculty of "Intuition," which is a faculty of one's Soul... that, as far as I am aware can only be acquired by an increased level of Consciousness.... which is increased by Completing Karma over time.

The completion of a bit of Karma returns to one's Soul the Spiritual Energy [NSgy]  that was used to create and sustain that bit of Karma.  Alas, in the West, we deny Reality in favor of what many misinterpret the Bible as saying... and most interpretations of the Bible are done by people who are limited to what they "think" is correct.  The Bible is a collection of offerings, all of them of good intentions... but not all of them reflect Pure Spirituality... which is Unique in existence.  For example Truth... can be Known by one's Soul, but not by one's brain.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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