Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In a video Master Charan Singh said the following:

"This illusion [speaking of the Creation], has no existence at all, it has no Reality".

If one considers this statement with the respect due Master Charan Singh... which all should do regarding everything a Perfect Living Master says [since they represent TRUTH]... or, they are speaking for God, then this statement is a most extraordinary thing to say!

How many people do you know who realize that everything they can see and think about, including history... is an Illusion we believe to be real?  That is, everything you believe to be real... is part of a grand Illusion that was Created by God, and continues since it is supported by God and by the MIND of Man whose primary role is to keep Man in the Illusion just as long as a person has desires to experience and explore that which the Creation provides.

And what did I just say?  I just said that Man cannot find the Soul because the Soul is Pure Spiritual Energy... whose  "Real" Energy...is not part of the Creation.    That is, what I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy" or [NSgy],  is impossible for the brain of Man to perceive or to experience because Pure NSgy does not exist as part of the Creation, and yet NSgy supports the entire Creation.  And NSgy also exists "Within" Man as what we refer to as the Soul.  And your Soul is Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, except for that part given to one's MIND to create and orchestrate all the Karma one is "fated for" in this lifetime... and that which is "stored" as bits of Karma within one's MIND for the future.

By the way... it is this"Fate Karma" that requires  we Souls to provide our own NSgy to our MINDs to insure that we fully engage in the Karma we are slated to face every day. This is what binds we Souls to this Illusion we "think" is real!  And Mystics tell us that we create much more Karma in each lifetime than we can possibly convert back to NSgy.  So, over time... we are in a losing proposition.

I believe that all energies of the Creation are stepped-down from NSgy , which is the reason that the search for God and Spirituality is almost impossible for Man to discover by use of the brain and thinking.   NSgy can only be perceived and experienced by NSgy... which is the Energy of the Soul.  And a little-known faculty of "Intuition" is within one's Soul, and it is available to Man...but it is a form similar to that of "emotion," and it is not encouraged in the West.  And Intuition depends upon how much Knowledge [or Wisdom] a Soul has acquired by Completing Karma... over many, many lifetimes.

How does one's Soul Complete Karma?   By Accepting full responsibility for each of the many bits of Karma that one experiences every day.  And this  means one entirely Forgives all the people who are involved in each bit of Karma that one experiences.  And, how many people do you know who are doing this?

A Perfect Living Master is a Soul sent by God into the Creation to draw to him or herself those Souls who are "ready" to begin their withdrawal from the Creation.  But these Saints give off Love, Acceptance, and Patience... which is not what all Souls are looking for.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...