Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How MUCH Mysticism Can The Brain Perceive?

QUESTION?   Can a human being "think" his or her way to an understanding of Mysticism?

ANSWER:  No, it is not possible.. because the word "Mysticism" is an [abstract term]* that was created by Man to "stand for," or "point to," or abstractly represent the phenomena of Mysticism... since that which is actually an element of what the term Mysticism applies... exists "within" realms of energies whose vibrational existence  are invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man!

In other words... the brain can only perceive that which is physical, material, or is the label for something that is not physical.  Such as God, Reality, Truth, and of course, Mysticism.

So, how much Mysticism can the brain help one obtain?  [see below]   How much is zero?  

People in the West are not taught very much about Spirituality, or the fact that it is the origin of, and the sustaining power of all of existence. Or that when Mystics tell us that "God is "Within" us... they are not speaking metaphorically, they are speaking the Truth... which is also something we in the West tend to ignore... primarily because the brain cannot perceive the Truth.  And too, a primary job of the  MIND is to insure that the Soul remains trapped in the Illusion of Creation... but that is another topic to discuss.

So, how does Man discover the mysteries of Mysticism?  By use of one's faculty of Intuition is the answer. And, I believe one's faculty of Intuition is an aspect of one's Soul... which is associated with Consciousness, which is acquired by "Completing Karma"... which is another interesting topic, but it requires an elevated level of Consciousness, which requires an elevated level of Intuition... which is not much discussed, nor taught in the West.

So, when we are told as children to "think about it".... this advice may not be the best advice we could receive?  The phrase "contemplate it" would be a better phrase to give children.  Or, perhaps it would be wise to encourage the natural ability of children to exercise imagination to simply extend this ability to imagine him or herself as being a child of God [on vacation in a world in which God is invisible] and that to find God, the child must imagine itself to be more than just a body with a brain.

And to tell children that Reality and Truth both exist, but they exist in invisible dimensions of Reality, that they much search for "Within" themselves...  But to do this, we adults will have to overcome our fear of the "Unknown".

Peace, 1 Brother James

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