Sunday, September 15, 2024


 But, what do the Mystics mean by this?  And, in the header for this blog, what does "NSgy" stand for?

NSgy = Neutral Spiritual Energy....Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And the "key" is the term Neutral. What do you know that is "Neutral"?  Can you name Anything that is "Neutral"?  That is, it never changes! Like Absolute Truth for example.

In this header, NSgy stands for "Spiritual Energy".  And NSgy is my symbol for the Energy of God, and I believe it is also the Energy of we Souls... who, according to Mystics over the ages,  are the children of God.  And why do I choose the term "Neutral"?   Because Neutral is the only element in existence that is Real, and permanent, unchanging, and entirely invisible to everything other than itself. This means that if we are to ever find Truth [absolute Truth],  we will find it only from within the NSgy of our own Souls.

Some years ago, I Intuitively stumbled across the concept of Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  That is, I "Intuited" this concept.  I believe that Man has a Soul, and that the Soul is immortal, and that an aspect of one's Soul is what we refer to as a faculty of "Intuition".  And one's level of Intuition depends upon the level of Consciousness that one's Soul has acquired... by "Completing" Karma over many lifetimes.

And what I just wrote brings two things to the front that are hardly ever discussed openly in the West.  One is the term Karma, and the other is the term Reincarnation.  Karma was discussed in one of my recent blogs. And I am continually mentioning Reincarnation.  Both are facts of life, even if these are not much discussed in the West... due primarily to some faulty interpretation of passages in the Bible.  And the Bible is misunderstood because of the influence of "Intellectualism," or dependence upon the brain and thinking.

  1. Intellectualism is the ability to think about or discuss a subject in a detailed and intelligent way, without involving your emotions or feelings. Learn more about this word, its pronunciation, synonyms, and translations in different languages.  Underline is mine, to emphasize statement.
     When a person denies "emotional energy" he unknowingly cuts himself off from the "emotional energy" of the MIND. But this is not an intentional choice... it is merely the MIND maintaining its dominance over the "Delusional Thinking" of Man... and the primary means of which is the MIND feeding Delusional thoughts to the Left-Hemisphere of a person's brain so as to maintain dominance over what that person "thinks".  The "cure" for this is to open oneself to some of the subtle ways in which one's MIND keeps one stuck in "thinking".  But this requires some deep MIND-level [emotional] work with a competent Gestalt Psychotherapist.  Few opt for this.

    So, bottom line is this... How does one intellectually discover what the brain is unable to perceive?  I am speaking of one's Consciousness via one's faculty of Intuition and being open to one's Conscious Awareness.... or  one's faculty of "Intuition" which is blocked by one's MIND using deep-seated [which means bits of emotional "misperceptions" taken-on in early childhood]?

    The term "misperceptions" might be explained as deeply repressed bits of traumata of early childhood that the child's MIND takes-in  as "misperceptions" that are used to develop the child's personality appropriate to fulfill his or her Fate Karma.

    Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...