Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Oxymoron "Behavioral Psychology"...

 The term Psychology comes from the Greek term Psyche, which is defined as "Self, Soul and MIND". And,  for me... I can't help wondering what part of  "Self, Soul, or MIND" the intellectual supposes he or she can discover by use of the brain and thinking?   My point is simply this:  The physical brain is great when it comes to thinking about that which the brain will never be able to discover nor experience. 

 A person who is content with merely thinking about something... like speculating as to the reason a person does what he or she does... without ever discovering what actually  "causes" the person to do what the person is doing... is for me not very satisfying.  But then, I am not an Intellectual who is confined to the practice of Intellectualism, or confined to the brain and thinking as one's only means of understanding.  For me, I have a need to KNOW what is going on in a person's MIND that causes a person to do what a person does?   Despite the fact that the MIND is invisible to the brain!

I am both fortunate and thankful to have discovered my faculty of Intuition, which allows me to use my Intuition to relate to [resonate with and thus discover] what is going on in another's MIND that causes that person to behave in ways that causes the person pain and emotional suffering.  And... at some level wish that he or she could cease doing what is causing that person so much pain.

My point therefore remains... how can any intelligent person "think" that a person whose behavior causes him or her pain and suffering would not cease such behavior if it were merely a matter of thinking?  What alcoholic would not cease drinking if it were simply a matter of not drinking alcohol? That is, if there were no such thing as "craving"?   Or a MIND that feeds Delusional Thinking to the Left-Hemisphere of his or her brain... which causes intense anxiety until he or she gets drunk?

What "causes" an alcoholic to drink?  He or she drinks because it works to reduce and eventually block that person's anxiety... which is caused by that person's MIND precisely to force that person to continue to engage in the consumption of alcohol.  And modern psychology "thinks" the alcoholic's "habit' can be cured simply by not drinking! 

Odd, is it not... that the great intellectual thinkers who practice "behavioral psychology" never consider the MIND as a "causal" behind what they "think" the brain controls?   Somewhat like asking a bird not to use its wings to fly... because a person does not  himself fly.

The term "Esoteric" is defined by Webster's as  "1. Intended for or understood by only a small group. 2. Confidential; private. [<Gk esoterikos] What is it modern psychology is missing?  It is missing the invisible three-quarters of what makes a human being a human being.

Modern psychology is missing #2, #3, and #4 of this sketch.  Behavioral Psychology seeks to treat Man relying on #1 alone.

Look at anyone engaged in some behavior that is harmful to himself or others, and ask yourself this question?  Is that person happy, content, or at peace with him or herself?    If not content, then WHAT IS CAUSING THAT PERSON TO DO WHAT HE OR SHE IS DOING?  

ANSWER:   He or she is acting out what is secretly going on "within" him or herself... and doing it so as to bring scorn and ill repute to him or herself.  In other words, it is that person's MIND that is causing that person to demonstrate what an awful person he or she is!  All of which is based on deeply repressed "Misperceptions" taken-on by his or her MIND in early childhood.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...