Friday, September 6, 2024

 Let us begin this blog with a short attempt to briefly explain what is wrong with Modern Psychology...

Many years ago, B.F.Skinner, and his followers [who were all adherents to the principles of Intellectualism]...
  1. The meaning of INTELLECTUALISM is devotion to the exercise of intellect or to intellectual pursuits.  Problem is... the MIND is invisible to the brain.

    As  I was saying... Skinner and his followers were  dedicated to the brain and thinking as their way of knowing things.  The label "Behavioral psychology" [which is an oxymoron] was a contribution of Skinner and his followers. What's wrong with this pursuit is that the brain is not capable of perceiving any dimension of Man that is not physical, tangible and part of the physical dimension of Man.  This means, of course... a one-dimensional Man.  And this automatically eliminates the study of the mental and Spiritual dimensions of Man... neither of which can be perceived by the brain.  As a consequence of this, American education has steadfastly resisted educating any part of Man except the brain. And I suspect the reason for this is that the more intellectual a person is, the more that person will insist on use of the brain over use of insight, or Intuition... which is an aspect of one's Soul [I believe]. 
    Remember... my sketch:
    The brain is part of circle #1, and it is confined to that dimension of Man.  To study the MIND, one must make use of one's faculty of Intuition, which can perceive the subtle energy of emotion, which is the energy of the MIND.  The Energy of the Soul is Spiritual Energy. And to deal with #2, #3, or #4, one must use Intuition.

    I believe it was around 1980, that I coined the term "Esochology" as the name for a particular type of study of the deeply repressed dimensions of the MIND.  And the "method" was a form of Gestalt Psychotherapy...somewhat akin to the process used by Freud, and  further refined by Perls.
    And let us pause to consider what Skinner said in his quote.
    Webster's:  animism:  Attribution of an innate soul to natural objects.  It is not unusual for intellectuals to fear what they do not understand.
    Skinner said what he said because he was entirely ignorant of the MIND and how it operates "within" Man.  The fact is... what Skinner scorned, is precisely the reason my present blog introduces the new term  "misperception," as a key element in the workings of the MIND... as it secretly operates to insure that Man performs his part in the Play of Life properly.  Life is much more complex than what the brain can begin to imagine!

    Looks like we need a part 3.... to finally focus on the MIND and how it operates?
    Peace, 1 Brother James

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