Thursday, October 3, 2024

PSYCH-EDUCATION.COM... and away we go!

 How do we improve education?  We begin by accepting who and what Man is!  And, we must also learn how to accept a bit of humility!  To test your level of humility... answer this question?

1.  What is the Purpose of Life?   I mean, we all know that a person is born, lives, and then dies.  But everyone knows that, right?  These things are not in question?   My question is WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE?  WHY ARE YOU BORN... as a human being?

Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?  What is Spiritual Energy?  I believe that Spiritual Energy is actually Neutral Spiritual Energy ... and being "Neutral" makes it unique.  The essence of Spirituality is that it is "Neutral," and thus, it never changes.  So the key to "Neutral"is that Neutral is an absolute and it never changes.  For example the term "Truth".  There is only one Truth, and many things that are sort of true. But who has found Truth?

The "key" to Neutral is that it never changes, and it is therefore an absolute.  What do you know that is absolute and  never changes?  What do you know that is NEUTRAL?  I Know a few things that are Absolute and they never change.  One is Truth.  Another is God.  And another is one's Soul, which is an aspect of God.  Note that none of these has been found by use of our physical senses.

How come?  Could it be  that our physical senses simply cannot perceive the ENERGY of elements which ONLY exist in the Pure Spiritual Realm?  That is, the vibrations of elements in the Realm of Spirituality resonate at a level that our physical senses simply cannot perceive?

If you follow me in what I am saying... then it is a relatively easy task to suppose that elements that are absolute in nature.... do indeed exist, but the vibrations of these Absolute elements are such that our physical  senses  just cannot perceive  them.  So, when people in the past have suggested that "Truth" does not exist in the world... they are correct.  But in being correct, they suggest that Truth exists in another realm or dimension.

All I have done is to suggest that "another dimension" is the dimension of Pure Neutral Spiritual Energy, or my symbol for this realm is "NSgy".  Neutral Spiritual Energy.

So, if your Soul is composed of NSgy, how did your Soul find its way to this physical plane?

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT:  Study the following sketch:

#1 is the physical realm, where we are presently with our physical bodies;  and each body has a physical brain, which dies along with one's physical body at the time of death.  Question:  What about the Soul and the MIND? Does this suggest the Soul and MIND are not physical?

Peace, 1 brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...