Wednesday, October 23, 2024


The Creation was CREATED!  AND REALITY IS INVISIBLE TO US... because it is invisible to our physical senses.  But...Who do you know who believes this?


 Except for Mystics ?  Even though the Bible tells us that God Created it... most people believe the Creation is the only reality there is.  We think this because the MIND feeds this belief to the physical brain, which believes what the MIND tells it... because the brain is a physical muscle... which is part of the Illusion.

But, what is the Truth?  The Truth is... God Created the Creation for we Souls to explore and experience. And God did such a perfect job that we Souls are completely convinced that the Creation is absolutely Real, and over a very long period of time [thousands of years], we Souls have entirely forgotten who and what we are, and where we came from... and most importantly... how to get back Home!

Are you familiar with the term "INVISIBLE"?
Well, it is impossible for a physical brain to see or discover a Soul that is an aspect of God, and part of the Pure Spiritual Dimension of Existence. So, if you depend upon your brain as the means by which you can return Home... you will remain stuck in this grand Illusion we refer to as the Creation.  Invisible means INVISIBLE!  And one's Soul is invisible to oneself because one's Soul exists in an entirely separate dimension of Existence...which is REAL!

In other words, the entire Spiritual Dimension of Existence does exist, but it exists as Energy that is invisible to the physical, material dimension... which was "created," and is therefore not  REAL, in an Absolute sense.

 But... who is likely to believe what I am sharing in this blog?  Not many people is the answer. 
And that is the reason the Illusion continues...the vast majority of people on Earth are convinced that what they "think" is real... is real because it is what they can physically see, taste, and touch.

I am pleased to share the above... and I believed the Creation to be real myself...but now I've been fortunate enough to have found a Perfect Living Master who has helped me discover [over many years] a means of awakening to a higher Truth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...