Saturday, October 19, 2024


 The most important thing in life is to "discover one's Self" [Soul, Consciousness,  Truth, or NSgy]... since all these terms refer to the same thing... which we simply refer to as "Spirituality, or God".

Alas, the accomplishment of this task of discovering oneself is impossible to do without help from what we refer to as "God" in the West.  Another name for God is "Shabd," from Hindu, which means "Word," "Logos, Holy Spirit, Sound Current,"  etc.  It has so many names because "it"(that is, Pure Spiritual Energy), which  is invisible to the brain of Man.

Or...  what we in the West refer to as God, which refers to the Energy of Spirituality.  In the East [where the Energy of Spirituality has many names], one of those names is  "Shabd" which means sound.  And an awakening to Shabd  is provided by a Perfect Living Master, sent by God into the Creation specifically to help we Souls discover that which we are...  in TRUTH! Which is INVISIBLE to Man and usually refers to one's Soul, which the following sketch illustrates as being invisible to those parts of oneself of which we are aware. 

Remember this sketch?  It illustrates the four dimensions of Man. And the only part we are intellectually aware of is #1, the physical dimension of Man.  The part that contains one's Soul is #4, the Pure Spiritual Realm.

What we are not capable of perceiving with our brain and physical senses are parts of ourselves that are not physical, nor tangible.  This Creation is an  "Illusion"  Created by God for we Souls to explore and experience... the nature of which is so realistic that we have completely forgotten who, what, and why we are in the Creation?  And, the only part of ourselves capable of discovering what is otherwise invisible to us is a part of the CONSCIOUSNESS of one's Soul... we refer to as "Intuition"...  which we in the West pretty much ignore. 

The problem we have is that REALITY, such as TRUTH, does not exist in the Creation itself, but the Creation is entirely sustained by TRUTH, or the Pure Spiritual Energy we refer to as God.  But the only part of oneself that can perceive this division "within" Man... is one's faculty of Intuition, which allows one to tap into one's Consciousness [if one's level of Consciousness is developed sufficiently to enable one to do this]?

Our word for this is "Enlightened," or "Enlightenment".  And most Enlightened people do not realize that their level of Consciousness is such that [with the proper help] they can tap into the faculty of "Intuition" hidden "Within" themselves, and by "proper" direction... from a Perfect Living Master... they would be able to begin to work on "Going Within" themselves to awaken to a higher level of Consciousness.

Is this interesting to you?  Perhaps you are more Enlightened than you realize?

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...