Thursday, October 10, 2024

What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". "NSgy"?  Neutral Spiritual Energy.  Why "Neutral"?  Because Neutral is neither good nor bad.  The term Neutral, in other words, is an Absolute! That is, it is not a duality in that it never changes, and it is not composed of anything other than NSgy. 

By contrast, Man... that is the MIND of Man... has both good and evil tendencies.  And I believe the reason for this is that to exist in the Creation, a thing must consist of a duality of both good and bad.  Remember, this Creation was Created!  And it was Created from NSgy... How was this done?  I believe what we "think of as reality" is, in actuality, a series of energy realms, each having a duality which is what keeps these realms in existence. That is, a specific range of vibrations whose oppositional structure keeps each realm in operation and  opposed to one another, thus keeping each realm separate and individual.  

And in this physical, tangible realm, we experience material phenomena because the vibrations of this realm are the same vibrations as that of our physical bodies....  So, to try and use one's brain to "think" about the other realms of Existence,  we are confined to our physical brain.., which is a very complex muscle located in the skull of each life-form on Earth, but it is also composed of the same vibrational energy as the material realm itself.  In other words, one's brain is confined to the same energy as all other things on Earth.  What one's brain "thinks" it can do is to "know" things because it can define things using words:  And it "thinks" [assumes that] the definitions of words are the "same as" experiencing what the words are pointing to, or stand for.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking," or D-Think.  And since each person does this... this is also what our education does!  It substitutes words for things.  And our MINDs convince us that if we know the words, we know the things.

In other words, none of us can "think" about the Soul, because the Soul is composed of NSgy, and the MIND [which is attached to each Soul] is also composed of a vibration other than physical.

This sketch was done to try and illustrate the different energy realms in the Creation. #1 is the physical realm. #2 is the Astral realm, which is the Lower MIND, and #3 is the Causal realm, which is  the Higher MIND.  #4 is NSgy, or the Soul and it is entirely NSgy.  This is what Mystics refer to when they say that God is "within" Man.  Of course God, or NSgy, is within Man.  It is the only thing that is Real in Man.

We have the Creation [which was Created], and  this is the energy of our physical bodies, and we have NSgy, which is the only part of Man that is Real [in an absolute sense] .  Reality vs Creation.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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What is "Neutral Spiritual Energy" ?

Neutral Spiritual Energy [I believe] is the Energy of God.  I refer to this Energy by the symbol "NSgy". " NSgy "?  N eu...