Thursday, November 28, 2024

An attempt to elaborate upon [make clear]] a Mystical message...

 In  my copy of "Sar Bachan," an abstract of the teachings of Soamiji Maharaj, founder of the Radha Soami system of philosophy and Spiritual Science, I read this on page 72:

"If you are seeking Nam no matter how much you may try, you will never get it until the Sat Guru is pleased with you."

What does the above mean... exactly?   The book by Soamiji is an "abstract"... which means it was interpreted into English by a number of individuals.  Therefore the term "Nam," for example, has a meaning that is not known in English ... except for suggesting "Spiritual Energy".  And the phrase "Guru is pleased with you"., is quite misleading.  The word "pleased" actually refers to one's "Inner" Spiritual Growth in Elevated Consciousness... as being "pleasing" to the Guru.  But such growth is not something a person is Consciously aware of taking place.... since it is a subtle reduction in the amount of stored Karma held "within" one's MIND, and this takes place at levels one is unaware of deep within one's MIND realm.   One may become aware of a subtle difference in how one "feels" about certain things... but this "change" is very subtle and if noticed at all, it is over a long  period of time.

 What is "Nam"?  It is Hindi for the Spiritual Energy that is said to exist within Man, which is the Energy of God.  So Soamiji was speaking of a person  becoming Consciously Enlightened to the Spiritual Energy existing within him or herself.... But Soamiji was not referring to an intellectual, physical,  or cognitive activity at all.  If one is aware of internal growth in how one views the world with more compassion... what is providing this awareness is more likely one's faculty of Intuition... which is an aspect of one Consciousness, or Soul, and not part of one's MIND or brain at all.

What am I saying?  I am saying that many words in the Hindu language refer to the invisible dimensions of Man [both the MIND and the Spiritual realms],  for which  English words apply, but they do not [cannot] convey to us what such words actually stand for or refer to?  Words such as Truth, God, Soul, Reality, and Intuition.

The "Guru" or Perfect Living Master must not be looked upon as simply a human being.  Most Mystics do their best to help  us understand that when Jesus said that he and the Father are one, he was not misstating the relationship at all.  His Soul was in fact the same Energy as that of God.  And I refer to such Energy as "NSgy" or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And it is entirely invisible to Man, and certainly to one's brain.  It is not that a person's Soul rising Spiritually was "pleasing" to a Guru, it is that the Guru is pleased for a person whose Soul is awakening to itself.  Awakening to NSgy is the task all Souls face in the Creation.  And the discovery of one's Soul requires a Perfect Living Master.

Peace, 1 Brother James... and Happy Thanksgiving, by the way.

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...