Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Webster's Dictionary:   1. Incapable of being seen; not visible. 2. Not accessible  to view; hidden. 3. Inconspicuous.

The most important element of this definition is missing.  Although unseen... what is invisible to us does EXIST!  And that is the most important part of being "invisible" to Man.  These "parts" are not inconsequential ... although they are invisible parts hidden "within Man" ?   That is the point I wish to make in this unusual blog.

In the square to the left is what Webster's is telling us about the invisible parts or realms "hidden within" Man.  The realms do exist, but our physical senses cannot perceive them.  God, Soul and Truth are unseen within us, in other words.  What we do have available to us is the little-known faculty of "Intuition"... a part of our "Consciousness".

So, what is it that is invisible to us?  Let us illustrate that as well.

All the realms, aspects and processes of Spirituality in us are invisible to us. And being invisible, we have forgotten who and what we REALITY are!

Also hidden within Man is what psychology used to study [but since the introduction of "behavioral psychology"]  the MIND has been largely forgotten by modern psychology... resulting in a massive rise in  mental illness in the nation... increasing daily. To attempt to deal with the MIND by intellectual means [thinking] is an irrational act of modern psychology.

So,what "intellectual" [who is part of those engaged in Intellectualism] is likely to notice that three-quarters of the whole of Man are invisible to Man?  Sadly, the number is few.

Boy, how the nation could really use a re-birth of proper Psychology!

Peace, 1 Brother James

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 Your intellect is your brain "thinking" what your MIND wants it to think. Knowledge is as aspect of Consciousness, which is what ...