THE NEW LOGO...below follows a host of other domains...,, and a host of other internet domains... all of which in one way or another attempted to provide an entry-way to the largely unknown Esoteric [AND THUS "invisible" Dimensions of Man].
The "eso" part of refers to the "Esoteric" operations taking place "within" the Whole Human Being (WHB) ...which Webster's defines as 1. Intended for or understood by only a small group. This definition is OK, but it fails to draw attention to the importance of the "Esoteric" elements operating within all human beings.
The term "Consciousness" has many definitions, but for me, the term refers to the operations of one's Soul-level Energies invisibly operating "within" Man under a great many labels seeking to mask the fact that Man is not as yet comfortable with the Spiritual Energies controlling the life of each living thing... or what the East has been telling the West for thousands of years.
So much is classified as simply abstract labels which Man uses as intellectual check-marks for what Man needs to "talk-about".... as long as all that is involved is is talking and thinking about.
The term Spirituality is just an abstract term, or word that one's brain uses to mask the fact that Man has not come to terms with the fact that a huge amount of the Whole of Man are elements that are invisible to Man. And Consciousness, Spirituality, Soul, Intuition, Enlightenment, etc... are all abstract labels for invisible phenomena operating "within" Man. The question is, therefore, what is Spiritual Energy, and where does it come from, and why? Let us quickly use my old sketch: This sketch illustrates a general suggestion of the realms/dimensions operating "within" Man.Please note that #1 is the physical dimension of Man. In reality it represents a very small part of Man... although almost all of Man's attention is focused on #1... simply because #2, #3 and #4 are all invisible to the brain, which, in the West is most important.
Why is "Intuition" of no importance in the West?
I believe that one's faculty of Intuition [an aspect of one's Soul] is the most viable means we have of relating to the Esoteric dimensions or realms "within" Man. But in my work over the last 30+ years I have found that one's faculty of Intuition [an aspect of one's Soul] is akin to the emotional energy of one's MIND, and thus... most people shun, ignore, and resist their access to Intuition so as to avoid their emotions. This is due to a gross failure of psychology to deal with the "unknown" aspects of Man, and the influence of Intellectualism and the oxymoron "behavioral science". But that's another discussion [certainly related to the unknown], but that will be for another time.
This blog will hopefully help those people with a natural curiosity of the unknown in life to find that this blog presents a few avenues of exploration for them... but it isn't an easy climb against the fear and avoidance of intellectualism which is dead-set against exposing the Reality of Spirituality... because it is invisible to the brain.
Peace, 1 Brother James
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